Sackboy Creates DEATH BATTLE!

SackboySackboy Bio

Also known as: Sackgirl, Sackperson, Sackling, Sack Thing, Slick, Ace, Hotshot, Cloth Kid, Sackronaut and Sackers.
Gender: Varies, though is more referred to as a male.
Height: 8 cm.
Weight: Unknown.
Occupation: Knitted Knights of the Imagisphere.
First Appearance: LittleBigPlanet (2008).



Background: The Imagisphere, a place made of all the creative thoughts, hopes, and ideas from everyone’s creative minds altogether, including you and I, of course! Each person’s mind creates their own Earth to house all their ideas and share them with others by embodying a happy and cuddly adventuring entity imbued with the power of creation known as a Sackperson, most commonly known as Sackboy.

Sackboy is the hero of Craftworld and a Knitted Knight of the Imagisphere, usually happy and likes to play around with other Sackpeople. He defends his world from dangers like the interdimensional negative force, the Negativitron, or the god of the Uproar, Vex. And when he’s not saving the day against evil, Sackboy usually goes with his friends and explores beyond the omniverse with even more adventures created by other Sackpeople, or even create his own levels for other Sackpeople to go in and have fun. So, have fun in the fantastic world of LittleBigPlanet!


  • Embodies the player’s hopes and dreams and is their true and pure self.
  • Learned the basics of LittleBigPlanet from the King and Queen of the Garden.
  • Sent by Savannah’s Creator Curator, Zola and discovered that the crocs were scaring the buffalos.
  • Helped the Meerkat Mum in finding one of her sons, Stripy Tail.
  • Outran Frida’s Skulldozer and made her reunited with Don Lu.
  • Freed Uncle Jalapeño from his imprisonment by donating it with a bomb.
  • Defeated Sheriff Zapata, Jalapeño’s nemesis.
  • Defeated Mag’s longtime enemy, Ze Dude and his Bouncers as Ze Dude gives Sackboy a private jet to go to Grandmaster Sensei.
  • Defeated the evil Sumo that hijacked Grandmaster Sensei’s castle.
  • With the help from Flame-Throwing Cat, defeated The Terrible Oni.
  • Infiltrated the Collector’s war factory.
  • Freed every Creator Curator from their prisons made by the Collector.
  • Defeated the Collector and his machines but made him become friends with the Creator Curators.
  • Took down Metal Gear REX and Liquid Ocelot’s level making machine.
  • Defeated the East India Trading Company’s armada and Davy Jones’s Kraken.
  • Stopped Marvel villain’s machine cannon that was going to destroy all the moons in the LittleBigPlanet Community.
  • Found the Mystic, the first Creator Curator who is the keeper of the very first LittleBigPlanet idea.
  • Became a movie star celebrity.
  • Invited all the Creator Curators of the PSP version of LittleBigPlanet and solved their problems.
  • Passed Larry Da Vinci’s test and became a member of the Alliance.
  • Destroyed the Brainwave Machine corrupted by the Negativitron, Kling Klong.
  • Saved and built a Sackbot army for fighting against the Negativitron and ran away from the corrupt Copernicus.
  • Defeated the Meanie Attack Robot to defend Huge Spaceship but failed in protecting it.
  • When shrunken into a microscope size, defeated the Infection within Dr Herbert Higginbotham.
  • Destroyed the Negativitron and its heart and prevented it from destroying the Alliance and Craftworld.
  • Stopped the evil Dr Porkchop, although this was mostly a playtime thing.
  • Defeated the Cakeling and saved Victoria and the Sackbots from a village.
  • Defeated Warden Crumb and his Mech and retrieved the treasure for the Space Pirates to have, in exchange, they remade his spaceship.
  • Saved the Justice League and defeated Lex Luthor and his Mecha-Lex and imprisoned him along with other DC villains, twice.
  • Became one of the members of the Justice League and can call in the Justice League by using a communication device made by Cyborg.
  • Completed his training with Colonel Flounder and defeated his creation, the La Marionetta.
  • Destroyed the Hollow’s Driller Thriller.
  • Found and defeated MegaBrain, who after its defeat, gave Sackboy where the Puppeteer.
  • Collected all the parts for the Unbelievable Otis’ cannon.
  • Stopped the Hollows, found the real Puppeteer and restored joy in saving Craftworld.
  • Stopped the Firepede from burning the forest in Eve’s Asylum.
  • Defeated the Trash Monster and made the Hoard allies.
  • Defeated Nana Pud’s Heartless Tin Man, only to realise that Newton was using Sackboy to release the three Titans.
  • Found Oddsock, Toggle and Swoop and grouped them back together.
  • With the help of Oddsock, Toggle and Swoop, saved Bunkum and defeated the Three Titans.
  • Defeated The Banana Bandit and Vexed Mamapede when visiting the Colossal Canopy.
  • Defeated the Ruffled Ruffian in the Kingdom of Crablantis.
  • Defeated the Electric Whirlwolf and Vexed N.A.O.M.I in the Interstellar Junction, restoring the real N.A.O.M.I back to normal from Vex’s virus.
  • Stopped and defeated Vex multiple times, even when he was amped by the Topsy Turver and saved the Imagisphere.
  • Defeated Vex multiple times, even when he was amped by the Topsy Turver and saved his friends from Loom.
  • Stopped the remnants of Vex’s Uproar from corrupting the Wonderplane.
  • Explored millions of adventures and races.
  • Appeared in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, in which he defeats Big Daddy from Bioshock and Polygon Man and later gained the latter’s power. (Non-Canon)


Game Ending Humpty Dumpty


  • Can push soft objects.
  • Pushed Humpty Dumpty off the wall.
    • Can even lift him up with the Grabinator.
  • Easily push a cow off a cliff.
  • Can destroy trucks and tanks by stomping on them.
  • Capable of breaking blocks.
  • Can push barrels.
  • Grabbed a giant egg above his head.
  • Can slap away a screw larger than himself.
  • Can harm the Negativitron and destroy his heart, who would’ve laid waste to the Imagisphere if not stopped.
  • Slapped and defeated Vex, who turned the entire Imagisphere into a nightmarish omniverse and defeating him restored the Imagisphere back to normal.

Run Sackboy Run


  • Outran the Skulldozer.
  • Outpaced a fiery ball.
  • Can sprint across wooden planks.
  • Dodge a sword swing from Terrible Oni.
  • Dodged a giant icicle.
  • Dodged missiles.
  • Reacted to signs trying to hit him.
  • Evaded meteors from Magneto.
  • Dodged marshmallows made of plasma.
  • Fast enough to outpace the Copernicus.
  • Jumped over a fire blast.
  • Dodged lasers from the Negativitron.
  • Fast enough to defend himself before a rocket ever got the chance of killing him.
  • Outran the Negativitron, who was able to keep up with Huge Spaceship, which was travelling across the Cosmos.
  • Can perceive anyone using the Fast Forward Weaponator, which hurls racers through time and space.

planet go boom


  • Withstood two planet-size explosions.
  • Survive falling from high heights.
  • Shook off signs hitting him.
  • Withstood a ball of fire.
  • Crashlanded in multiple areas with no scratch.
  • Survived a space station exploding on him.
  • Was unharmed after being hit by the Boxing Glove.
  • Was alright when crashing into a spaceship.
  • Crash into a meteor when he was launched by a cannon.
  • Was alright when he was hit by a bomb’s explosion.
  • Tanked a fire projectile in the face.
  • Can take a slap from the Hoard, who are capable of depleting the Imagisphere.
  • Ironically, survived being squished.
  • Ironically, survived getting electrocuted.
  • Ironically, withstood falling into a spike pit.

Powers & Abilities



  • A metaphysical ever-expanding omniverse that is made by the creative thoughts and ideas from the minds of every single creature in the entire omniverse, including you.
    • Ideas and imagination are made of pure energy, which has been explained that energy never dies and the Imagisphere has held countless Craftworlds, moons and its infinite space.
      • In other words, the Imagisphere and Sackboy’s existence are conceptual in nature.
  • Without the Pods or Checkpoints, Sackboy can be sent back to the Imagisphere and come back from death.
    • Because of this, not only must the enemy have to destroy the Imagisphere to kill Sackboy for good, they must also destroy the Uproar as Vex stated “As long as there are dreams, there will be nightmares.”
      • Dreams being the Imagisphere, while nightmares are the Uproar.

Creative Intelligence

Creative Intelligence:

  • Sackboy is considered to be the most creative thing in the omniverse, which perfectly fits considering that he is the literal embodiment of imagination.
  • Can he easily make advanced technologies like time machines and alter the Sackbots’ system.
  • Should be comparable, if not, above some of the Creators Curators like Newton and N.A.O.M.I.
    • Newton is capable of making a Dimensional Doorway and a weather machine despite being a Popit Academy drop-out, and N.A.O.M.I. is a supercomputer of an entire interstellar civilization and made time travel to… toilets and virtual reality suites.
  • Smart enough to learn new skills quickly as Creator Curator, Grandmaster Sensei taught him many martial arts.
  • Learnt to pilot Avalon’s weapons to the point of passing Avalon’s Advanced Armaments Academy with an A (for Avalon).
  • Sackboy has beaten N.A.O.M.I. despite being a supercomputer and having to deploy her Anti-Sackboy Measures against him.



  • The source of Sackboy or any of Sackperson’s problem solving.
    • Accessing these creative powers and making Sackboy all-powerful and god-like is due to the Popit literally being charged with astounding creative power.
  • Can concentrate hard enough to pop into nothingness and come back to the nearest checkpoint he reached.
  • Can use the Popit Cursor to carry objects or a person, change the sizes, increase speed, turn anything invisible, duplicate or delete them.
    • Can glue onto two objects together.
    • Can alter a brain’s mindset, by following or staying away from him.
  • In his Goodies Bag, gives him a wide collection of objects and materials he has collected.
  • The Tools Bag contains connectors, logic, power-ups, hazards, creature parts and sounds.
    • Can cover an object in electricity, fire, gas or plasma.
    • Can change the object’s material with the Material Changer.
    • Character Teleporter allows either just him or others to its destination.
    • The Physics Tweaker can change an object or person’s physical properties, like its weight, making it non-physical or unseeable.
    • Anti-Gravity Tweakers can control the gravity of an object.
    • The Material Tweaker can make materials bounce, nigh-indestructible, frictionless, sticky or climbable.
    • The Kill Tweaker allows Sackboy to instantly kill his opponent.
    • The Destroyer gadget allows Sackboy to either have his opponent turn into confetti, dissolve, shrink so small they die, explode in Killer Queen style, fade/disappear from existence, turn into goo or be vaporized.
    • The Controlinator lets him control objects and machinery.
    • Can use Capture Object to copy an already existing object.
    • Can make objects non-physical.
  • Global Controls allows Sackboy to change the landscape.
    • Capable of altering an area’s lighting and colour, making it dark or adding some fog.
    • Can alter environments into an entirely different area with no problem.
    • Can change day times into night times.
    • Can raise or drain the water levels.
    • Can make terrains out from the ground, remove them or make holes on the surface.

The Touch

The Touch:

Costume Dash

Costume Dash:

  • Sackboy’s level 1 super move from PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.
  • Activates his Popit and changes his appearance to three PlayStation characters.
    • Nathan Drake from Uncharted swinging with a rope while kicking, Cole MacGrath from inFAMOUS leaping and using his Amp, and PaRappa the Rapper jumping upward while riding on PaRappa’s skateboard.

Bad Guy BBQ

Bad Guy BBQ:

  • Sackboy’s level 2 super move from PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.
  • Also named Coal Catastrophe.
  • By using his Popit, he brings out flaming coals and drops them on top of his foes.

Prize Bubble Roundup

Prize Bubble Roundup:

  • Sackboy’s level 3 super move from PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale.
  • Sackboy activates his Popit to turn his opponents into bubbles that allow him to pop them.
  • Can also summon dozen of bubbles filled with items and points.

Boxing Glove Sticker Surprise

Boxing Glove Sticker Surprise:

  • Sackboy grabs the opponent and activates his Popit just to summon a boxing glove sticker, leaping over as the fist hits the enemy.

Anvil Sticker Surprise

Anvil Sticker Surprise:

  • Sackboy grabs the opponent and activates his Popit so he summons a giant anvil sticker to crash on top of the foes.

Spiderweb Sticker Surprise

Spiderweb Sticker Surprise:

  • Sackboy grabs the opponent and throws the enemy up just for the Popit to create a spiderweb sticker to trap them.

Missile Jammer

Missile Jammer:

  • Allows Sackboy to passively deactivate missiles and make them explode before they have launched.

Hover Mode

Hover Mode:

  • Allows Sackboy to fly freely wherever he wants to go.
  • Can go through materials and walls in this mode.
  • Can exit out of the Non-Imagisphere, a dimension made of anti-imagination.

Time Manipulation

Time Manipulation:

  • Can control time by pausing to stop it, rewinding to go back or fast-forwarding it, though that’s only when Sackboy has already rewind time.

Cosmic Sense

Cosmic Sense: 



Techniques and Other Abilities

Techniques and Other Abilities:

  • Sackboy along with many other Creator Curators and Sackpeople share the same unique physiology that gives him other abilities and techniques.
    • Dash: Can fling himself to travel much faster than before while in midair or on the floor.
    • Wall Jump: Can jump between walls to another and can slide down on them.
    • Climbing: Self-Explanatory.
    • Flutter: In his attempt to copy Yoshi’s Flutter Jump, he prolongs his fall and temporarily keeps himself airborne by rapidly moving his legs.
    • Roll: For every 3D platformer, Sackboy rolls around, he can stun the enemy if he hits them.
    • Nosedive: While in midair, Sackboy dives down to attack anyone below.
    • Spin: Moves and twirls around while slapping away foes.
    • Self-Sustenance: Can breathe in both the vacuum of space and underwater, though the latter is inconsistent as he can either breathe for a limited amount of time or outright die by touching the water.
    • Time Manipulation Immunity: Not only is he capable of controlling time but can resist time being manipulated as other Sackpeople can resist each other’s ability to time stop.
    • Power and Conceptual Absorption Resistance: Even when Vex absorbed a great amount of Dreamer Orbs for his Topsy Turver, the orbs are still a part of Sackboy and can also resist Negativitron absorbing creativity.
    • Fear, Chaos, Corruption, Madness Mind Manipulation Resistance: Can resist Vex’s Uproar and its effects, a power made of nightmares, fear, dread and chaos that can corrupt anything, drive anyone into madness and mind controls creatures to the Vex’s will.
    • Emotion Manipulation Resistance: Can continue fighting even when he’s bursting in tears, aggressively angry or scared shitless and can resist his joy being extracted by the Hollows’ extractor.
    • Possession Resistance: Should be comparable to creators like Newton, who broke out one of the Titan’s possessing him.
    • Transmutation Resistance: Can break out Vex’s curse that turns him into a brute.
    • Acausality and Void Manipulation Resistance: Sackboy should be comparable to the Mystic, who predates linear time.
    • Probability Manipulation Resistance: Won against Vex in Wheel of Uproar, in which he used his powers to make sure Sackboy didn’t get a prize.




  • Sackboy’s home where he relaxes, while also being used to travel to other Craftworlds and summoning other Sackpeople.
  • The computer that allows him to travel changes its appearance, ranging from a PS3 controller, to a PS Vita, or the PS4 controller.
  • Comes back to the Pod when all his lives for a checkpoint are gone and killing himself within the Pod brings him back here.



  • A door that allows Sackboy or another Sackperson to come back to life.
  • Can use them to travel to a different world.
  • Once all lives are gone, Sackboy returns to his own Pod.
    • Though, he can always regain his lives by collecting them.
  • Can heal the damage that dealt him by reaching a new checkpoint.
  • There are three different types of checkpoints Sackboy has
    • Normal Checkpoint: Holds up to four lives.
    • Double Checkpoint: Holds an eight amount of lives.
    • Infinite Checkpoint: Holds an infinite amount of lives and can always come back unless the checkpoint is destroyed.

Dreamer Orbs

Dreamer Orbs:

  • Spheres that are packed with pure creative energy straight from the Imagisphere.
  • With the right amount of Dreamer Orbs to merge, it can dispel barriers made of the Uproar.



  • Gives Sackboy flight while equipping it.
  • Can increase his speed faster.



  • Sackboy’s first offensive far-ranged weapon.
  • Shoots out paint that is powerful enough to destroy cannons, tanks and even damages Metal Gear REX.

Grappling Hook

Grappling Hook:

  • Alternatively called the Clawstring.
  • This power-up allows Sackboy to shoot a hook to grapple onto hard-to-reach and swing to a different platform.



  • Lifts heavier objects or objects bigger than him.
  • Can use it to suplex his enemies.



  • A helmet that fires whatever item Sackboy wishes.
  • Can shoot plasma, fire, water, electricity, missiles, bombs and other objects. Such as the things below:
    • Cakinator: Launches a cake that sticks onto a wall, if anyone walks or is hit by the cake they’ll get themselves damaged.
    • Lightning: Shoots a flash of supercharged lightning of electrons.
    • Positivitron Beam: Fires out beams made of positive energy, very effective against beings made of negativity.
    • Odd Rocket: Fires a remote-controlled robot, when it gets closer to its opponent, it’ll explode.
    • Cloning Hat: Can shoot clones of Beaker from the Muppets.
    • Meltinator/Heat Ray: Shoots a burst of heat energy that can go through gratings and melt ice.

Brain Crane

Brain Crane:

  • A device made by Victoria von Bathysphere.
  • By equipping it, can telekinetically lift anyone or object with his mind.

Hero Cape

Hero Cape:

  • By wearing it, gives Sackboy the ability to glide to faraway areas.

Bounce Pad

Bounce Pad:

  • Gives Sackboy an extra boost, launching him into the air.
  • Can be tweaked to reach higher heights.
  • Can pull out a Bounce Pad by reflecting the projectile.
  • Can also launch him or his opponent a few meters away.

Air Shooter

Air Shooter:

  • Can summon a fan capable of blowing the opponent or attacks away.

Electric Panel

Electric Panel:

  • Places an electric chip with his Popit beneath the opponent’s feet, electrocuting them.

Digital First Mate

Digital First Mate:

  • Given by Captain Wiseduck, it is a device with a computer A.I. which:
    • Can show the map and observe an area.
    • Can hack into and bypass security doors.
    • Can see invisible attacks, lasers and enemies.
    • Can open up spatial wormholes to travel through certain areas.

jl communication device

Justice League Communication Device:

  • Given by Cyborg, it allows Sackboy to call the Justice League to aid him in helping him against his foes, summoning heroes like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash and Green Lantern.



  • A weapon from LittleBigPlanet Karting that gives Sackboy any item randomly, utilizing it as both an attack and a shield.
  • They can be used for customized abilities but we’re listing down what the Weaponator has shown in the main story mode:
    • Battle Red Seeker: Fires a red missile out, that homes on the opponent.
    • Blue Rocket: Rides a massive blue rocket.
    • Boxing Glove: Rides a giant red boxing glove rocketing through the area.
    • Fast Forward: Boosts Sackboy’s car faster than time and space.
    • Flash Bang: Launches a missile that stuns his enemies.
    • Leader Seeker: Fires a blue missile that electrocutes his foe.
    • Lightning Bolt: Fires a stream of electricity at lightning pace.
    • Mine: Summons a mine behind him.
    • Red Seeker: Launches three red rockets.
    • Shockwave: Creates an electric barrier around him.
    • Straight Shot: Releases a green missile bouncing walls and will only explode if it hits its opponent.
    • Triple Mine: Fires three mines behind his back.



  • A handheld shaped like a hairdryer that blows the air to reflect enemy projectiles and suck in air to bring objects close to him.

Blink Ball

Blink Ball:

  • Fires a ball into a material that teleports him near to the teleport material.
  • However, he needs to aim for the right material to teleport.

Hook Hat

Hook Hat:

  • A helmet that holds the rail above Sackboy via hook.
  • He can leap out of the rails to another.

Boost Boots

Boost Boots:

  • Also known as Rocket Boots.
  • Launches Sackboy while in mid-air.
  • Can recharge it if he touches a Boost Refresher.

Tea Tin

Tea Tin:

  • A tea tin that kept and contained the Titans locked.
  • It is mostly used to seal away enemies in the tin while keeping the lid closed.
  • Though, it’s mostly used when the enemy is defeated.



  • A portal Sackboy can go through as long as they both have the same colour.



  • A hovering device that allows Sackboy to ride on it.
  • Is able to grind on rails.
  • Can perform skateboarding tricks.



  • By losing his life, a Sack Fairy revives him and creates an energy dome that kills anything in Sackboy’s path.



  • A hang glider that Sackboy allow him to glide forward and holds a rocket that delays Sackboy and the Glider’s fall.



  • A bladed boomerang that can be thrown at a variety of targets and returned back to Sackboy.
  • It can cut through enemies, pillars of spikey flora and teleport Sackboy if it hits a teleport material.

Plasma Pumps

Plasma Pumps:

  • A pair of high velocity, instantly rechargeable gloves and boots that Sackboy hovers for a short time and can rapid-fire plasma and charge for a more powerful charged attack.
  • It can destroy digital viruses with one shot.



  • An average umbrella that slows down Sackboy’s falls.
  • Gives him an extra jump.

Assistance Copter

Assistance Copter:

  • By using a flare, Sackboy can summon a flying Assistance Copter to pick him up and put him anywhere.



  • First made by Victoria von Bathysphere to fight for the Alliance against the Negativitron and his forces, Sackbots are wooden, robotic versions of Sackpeople that can be programmed by Sackboy to do whatever he commands.
  • They can be equipped with power-ups and abilities as long as Sackboy grants it to them.
  • Can be either large or small and aid him against his opponents.
  • Sackboy can implant a controller on a Sackbot to obviously control it, like an armour suit with powers.
  • If they are covered in either fire, plasma or electricity, they are immune to these hazards.
  • Can change their appearances into either Oddsock, Toggle and Swoop.

Powerup Pedestal

Powerup Pedestal:

  • Gives Sackboy a unique powerup or equipment different compare to his pre-existing equipment above.
  • He can make any weapon with it, ranging from pre-existing weapons like the Master Sword and Dragonslayer, or original and unique weapons.
  • Due to it being Sackboy’s most versatile, here’s a video on how it works.


Paper Arrow

Paper Arrow:

  • Sackboy’s main racing kart that he got from a Hoard that tried to ram him over.
  • Can somehow jump and can slap his opponents from the sides.
  • Can change his kart’s suspensions to many different types
    • Dragster: Replaces the back wheels with bigger wheels for drag racing.
    • Hover: Replaces the wheels with hover pads for the kart to float.
    • Low Rider: All wheels of Paper Arrow are small.
    • Tank: Replaces the wheels with a continuous track on both sides.
    • Monster Truck: Gets massive wheels to overpower his opponents.



  • As the name implies, it is a robotic rabbit that relies on leaping through the air and specialises in stomping on top of the enemies.



  • A house-trained robotic dog that simply walks and jump, while capable of unleashing sonic barks to push blocks and enemies.

Hamstertron 2000

Hamstertron 2000:

  • A robotic oval hamster that rolls around and can attack by dashing at foes.

Bee 2.0

Bee 2.0:

  • A robotic bee that can fly anywhere and can fire H.O.N.E.Y. cannon blasts.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Interceptor

S.H.I.E.L.D. Interceptor:

  • An interceptor from S.H.I.E.L.D. used against a Chitauri invasion.
  • Armed to the teeth with primary guns to shoot enemies with the following being.
    • MKIII Gatling Gun: A high rate of bullets but with low accuracy.
    • S44 Wave Cannon: A short-range burst of energy that blows away foes easily.
    • VS20 Halberd: A high-speed plasma bolt.
  • It is also filled with many of Marvel’s superheroes’ powers Sackboy can use in a fight. Note, there are still 4 powers I left because I either couldn’t find what it does or find its official name in the game.
    • Repulsor Missiles: Based on the Invincible Iron Man, these two missiles home onto their enemies and denote them.
    • Phoenix Barrier: A barrier made from the Phoenix Force that allows healing the interceptor by absorbing attacks.
    • Teleport: Self-Explanatory.
    • Adamantium Claws: Based on Wolverine, the interceptor can slash the enemies zigzagged.
    • Hulk Smash: Based on the Incredible Hulk’s Thunderclap, the interceptor can release a green defensive shockwave.
    • Webbing Ball: Based on the Spectacular Spider-Man’s webs, the interceptor drops a huge wrecking ball made of webs and can release the ball if Sackboy wants to.

Allies and Summons:

  • Sackboy’s mentor, Scarlet, stated Sackboy is capable of calling his allies’ help if he wants.
  • Should all share most of the same Popit and creative abilities as Sackboy.

Knitted Knight

Knitted Knights:

  • An ancient team of knights that protect a Craftworld from a different world and share the same purpose of fighting against Vex and the Uproar as Sackboy’s Craftworld.
  • Should share all the same abilities and weaponry as Sackboy has.



  • One of Bunkum’s heroes, a quadruped sock that runs faster than Sackboy.
  • Sackboy can ride on top of Oddsock.
  • With its power-up, the Springinator, it is attached to its behind and bounces.



  • Another hero of Bunkum.
  • They can turn either a big strongman who exceeds in strength and can use their weight to crush.
    • Or a smaller version of themself that can go through small gaps or walk on water.



  • The third and last hero of Bunkum.
  • Swoop is an avian sack that relies on their wings to fly or glide and can pick up objects with its talons.

Sackboy weakness


  • Is a pacifist for the most part.
    • Though, it hasn’t stopped him from killing villains like the Negativitron.
  • Has been fooled despite being very intelligent.
    • Vex have been shown to manipulate him to fall into their traps.
  • While he is definitely capable of making anything, it mostly takes time to fully complete his creations.

Sackboy overall

(“Do not take lightly your hopes, your ideas, your fantasies. Let them grow. Nurture them. Then your wildest imaginings will soon trip the dream fantastic, soaring into the Wonderplane and spreading into something altogether… magnificent. And perhaps you’ll see them again the next time you visit LittleBigPlanet.”)
– LittleBigPlanet Narrator

Zero Awakens to a DEATH BATTLE!

Zero bio by NanoIsEpic

Also known as: DWN-∞ and Mega Man Zero.
Age: Unknown, 500+.
Height: Roughly 5′ 3″.
Weight: Roughly 125.7 lbs.
Affiliation: Maverick Hunters
First Appearance: Mega Man X (1993).



-Dr. Wily’s greatest creation.
-When first joining the Maverick Hunters, Zero became a Class-A hunter.
 -When Sigma went Maverick, Zero became the leader, although for a limited amount of time.
-Saved Mega Man X and a
cted as his mentor throughout the whole series.
-Aided the Maverick Hunters in defeating Sigma.
-Has defeated Sigma multiple times, one time used Dr. Doppler’s Anti-Virus against the Sigma Virus.
-Has taken down lots of deadly Mavericks and Reploids.
-Defeated Gareth, the Soul Eraser.
-Defeated the Colonel, Iris’ brother.
-Defeated Iris.
-Defeated General, who later helped and stopped a laser capable of destroying the Earth.
-Defeated Dynamo twice.
-Fought against X, the ultimate creation of Doctor Thomas Light, in a dual.
-Saved X from Sigma when his ally was still knocked out.
-Defeated Gate, Alia’s colleague.
-Found Axl, one of the vigilantes from Red Alert and now Maverick Hunter.
-Stopped a bunch of bombs from exploding.
-Defeated Red and Red Alert with X and Axl’s help.
-Defeated Lumine, the director of the Jakob Project.
-After returning back to his team, defeated Mach Jentra and took out a swarm of Mechaniloids.
-Came back saving everyone and defeated Shadow.
-Defeated Ferham, Cadres.
-Eliminated Scarface, a Rebellion Army Cadre.
-Killed Epsilon, the leader of the Rebellion Army.
-Exterminated Colonel Redips during the Giga City incident.
-Held the anti-body against the Sigma Virus, which created the Mother Elf and she exterminated the Sigma Virus for good.
-With X’s help, defeated Omega together with a Final Strike and ending the 4-year long war, the Elf Wars.
-After being resurrected by Passy, saved Ciel and escorted her to the Resistance Base.
-Eliminated Aztec Falcon and saved a few Reploids who were accused as Mavericks.
-Killed Maha Ganeshariff and collected the data that was within him.
-Stopped and destroyed the train’s core.
-Defeated a Mechaniloid known as the Guard Orotic.
-Finished off Anubis Necromancess. 
-Defeated Bilzzack Staggroff, who held most of the Resistance prisoned.
-Stopped Hittite Hottaid from destroying the Resistance Base.
-Killed Hidden Phantom, the leader of the Cutting Shadow Squadron.
-Finished off Copy X, an inferior copy of Mega Man X.
-Saved some of the Reploid soldiers along with a cyber-elf and killed Hyleg Ourobockle.
-Defeated Poler Kamrous and destroyed a computer system and weakened Neo Arcadia.
-Eliminated Phoenix Magnion and destroy a factory’s power supply.
-Guarded the Resistances’ supplies and defeated Panter Flauclaws.
-Saved Elpizo from the Three Guardians.
-Prevented a bomb that was going to blow up the Resistance Base
with Ciel’s help and finished off Kuwagust Anchus.
-Defeated Burble Hekelot.
-Has defeated Fighting Fefnir multiple times.
-Has defeated Fairy Leviathan multiple times.
-Has defeated Sage Harpuia multiple times.
-Finished off Elpizo, who harnessed the power of the Dark Elf for himself.
-Killed Blazin’ Flizard.
-Defeated Childre Inarabitta.
-Finished off Devilbat Schilt.
-Eliminated Deathtanz Mantisk.
-Killed off Cubit Foxtar.
-Defeated Volteel Biblio.
-Eliminated Glacier le Cactank.
-Defeated Tretista Kelverian.
-Rescued his former enemy, Sage Harpuia from an amped Omega.
-Defeated the children of the Dark Elf, Crea and Prea.
-Finished off Omega for good, who had Zero’s original body in Mega Man X.
-Killed Fenri Lunaedge.
-Defeated Heat Genblem, who was capable of powering particle beams.
-Eliminated Mino Magnus.
-Destroyed Noble Mandrago, who can control plant-like machinery.
-Defeated Pegasolta Eclair and stopped his flying fortress that was creating acidic rain.
-Finished off Popla Cocapetri.
-Eliminated Sol Titanion, who was occupying an artificial sun.
-Killed Tech Kraken, who wanted to avenge Phantom.
-Defeated Craft and stopped him from using Ragnarok.
-Prevented Ragnarok from destroying Area Zero and defeated Dr. Weil for good by sacrificing his life.
-Became the Biometal Model Z.
-Defeated Athena and return back to Earth. (Non-Canon)
-Defeated Galactus and had helped from Silver Surfer to return back to Neo Arcadia. (Non-Canon)
-Became a member of the MEGA Nova Corps in Nova’s ending. (Non-Canon)
-Appeared in Onimusha: Blade Warriors and defeated countless enemies. (Non-Canon)
-Defeated Yami from Okami and made it back alive. (Non-Canon)
-Helped everyone in both Project X Zone 1 and 2 by defeating Meden Traore and Byaku Shin. (Non-Canon)
-Aided everyone from the Capcom and Sega verses on defeating Sigma and his army in Worlds Unite. (Non-Canon)
-Helped aid everyone in the Marvel vs Capcom universe on defeating Ultron Sigma. (Non-Canon)


Slash by NanoIsEpic
Attack Potency: Solar System Level (Fought Lumine, who is capble of destroying a star), Low Multiverse Level (A inferior verison of himself fought OVER-1, who fought Netnavis that fought against MegaMan.EXE, who in turn fought Gospel Bug Beast, which merged EXE’s universe with the Cyber World.)
-Chopped off Sigma’s arm off with a single hand swing and tear him apart.
-One shotted Vile’s Ride Armour’s arm.
-One shotted a fake version of himself.
-Strong enough to slice through steel walls.
-Can casually slice through robots made of Ceratanium, the same metal the original Mega Man is comprised of.
-Is equal to X, who was designed to be superior to the classic Mega Man.
 -Mega Man is strong enough to lift Wily’s 5th Castle, and fight on par with Duo and Sunstar.
-Can harm the General who can block a laser that can destroy Earth.
 -While he did die, it’s only because he was crippled by Zero or X.
-Comparable to Gravity Antonion, who can lift a large block.
-Can harm Lumine, who can withstand his own attack, Paradise Lost, which can destroy a star.
-Can easily tear through vines with his bare hands.
-Can harm Dr. Weil, who survived a death beam from Ragnarok.
-As Biometal Model ZX, should be capable of harming Grey/Ashe, who can harm Albert.
 -Albert’s First Form can create black and white holes and can create a dimension with a sun in his strongest form.
-Gave Sigma a beatdown and is considered to be Wily’s greatest creation.
 -Wily, Sigma and other Mega Man villains kidnapped nearly all the Mega Mens in XOver, one of them being MegaMan.EXE.
   -EXE defeated Gospel Bug Beast, whose power’s radiation was causing EXE’s universe and the Cyber World to merge.

Surprise! by NanoIsEpic
Speed: Massively Faster than Light+ (Kept up Omega and Elpizo using the Dark Elf, which wiped the Sigma Virus that was in Earth, the moon, another Earth in Cyberspace, Cyber Field and a space station outside multiple galaxies. In addition, Cyberspace might possibly be its own universe as there are galaxies in it and requires a dimensional rift to enter the place.)
-Can keep up with his partner, Mega Man X, who should be faster than the original.
 -Rock can react attacks from Duo, who can travel from Saturn to Earth and Cut Man, who sliced a log while using a teleporter.
-Has constantly evaded laser beams.
-Can dodge attacks from Vile.
-Dodged electricity.
-Slashed X’s Buster before he could fire.
-Fast enough to react to Optic Sunflower’s attacks, which are light-based.
-Can outrun Gravity Beetle and Gravity Antonion’s black holes, with the latter’s sucking up light.
-Can quickly use his teleporter to save X or Axl and can even react to their teleporters.
 -The teleporter can go so fast, most of the attacks from his enemies look like they’ve stopped time.
-Outran a point-blank explosion.
-Has fought Omega and Elpizo using the Dark Elf.
 -When the Dark Elf was known as the Mother Elf, it wiped out the Sigma Virus, which its infected inhabitants were on Earth, the Moon, another Earth (Cyberspace) and a space station that is outside a bunch of galaxies, with a single swoop.
-Dodged a large solar beam.

Persona 3 opening by NanoIsEpic
Durability: Solar System Level (Can take the destruction of Lumine’s star), Low Multiverse Level (A weaker verison of Zero took hits from OVER-1.)
-As a Maverick, took hits from Sigma.
 -Has constantly taken hits from him after that, even when Sigma’s size was comparable to the Earth.
-Got his head smashed through a ceiling.

-Can take hits from his partner, X, who was designed to be superior to the classic Mega Man.
 -Mega Man survived Ra-Moon’s explosion and took hits from Duo, Sunstar and Wily Machine 8.
 -X has also endured an explosion that was powerful enough to annihilate Japan.
-Survived an explosion of a space colony Eurasia by ramming into the colony with a space shuttle.
-Withstood Gravity Beetle and Gravity Antonion’s black holes.
-Survived Lumine’s Paradise Fall with no damage on him.
-Survived the Great Redips’ Memento Mori, a black hole.
-Survived Copy X’s self-destruct explosion.
-Has took hits from Omega, who had Zero’s original body.
-Can survive an artificial sun’s heat.


MMX!Z Saber by NanoIsEpicMMZ!Z-Saber by NanoIsEpic
-Zero’s main weapon of choice.
-It is a lightsaber-like sword, given to him after his updated body.
-Used to perform close-ranged strikes in rapid-succession.
-Can reflect projectiles.
-Can cut through enemies made of Ceratanium with no issue.
-Can perform different techniques and copy from defeated Mavericks or Reploids.
-Can charge up for a more powerful slash.
-Can be enhanced via Cyber Elves and Chips.
-Has a different appearance in MMZ, appearing to be more triangular than the original.
-Along with his other weapons, can easily destroy data, viruses and harm enemies’ souls.

Command Mission Sabers by NanoIsEpic
Command Mission Sabers:
-In Command Mission, can wield different sabers.
Flame, Ice and Thunder Sabers: Sabers that deal elemental variants damage.
Doubletooth: A double-bladed saber that has a high chance of a Critical Hit via Splitting Slash.
Red Lotus Saber: Zero’s faster saber that drains Zero’s power and defence and gets a triple-slash technique called Bone Slicer.
Soul Saber: A pure metal blade that gives Zero a spin attack called Slash of Death and its power increases when Zero gets closer to death.
Z Ichimonji: Another saber made of metal, this time glowing a dark blue flame, the blade is weak but it can through armour via Knife Through Butter.
Z Rapier: A thin, red rapier that relies on speed instead of power and can perform triple combos.

Zero Buster by NanoIsEpic
Zero Buster:
-An arm-cannon weapon built by Dr. Wily for Zero.
-Enhanced by the X-Hunters after they have recovered Zero’s parts.
-Much like the Mega Buster and the X Buster, the Zero Buster can be charged to any degree.
-Can be loaded into the Buster Shot as a power cell.
-Can be enhanced with copied techniques from destroyed Mavericks and Reploids, along with new attacks depending on what form.

D Glaive by NanoIsEpic
Durga Glaive:
-Obtained by defeating Splash Warfly.
-A naginata weapon that allows Zero to perform long-ranged attacks.
-Can be spun to reflect projectiles.
-Lacks speed and versatility despite having a longer reach.
 -Only the tip can harm foes.

V Hanger by NanoIsEpic
V Hanger:
-Obtained by defeating Wind Crowrang.
-A pair of purple kunai-like knives.
-Utilized to perform close-ranged combat.
-Allows him to do a five-hit combo.

Bashou Fans by NanoIsEpic
Bashou Fans:
-A pair of fans that are utilized both defensively and offensively.
-Said fans can deflect weaker projectiles back at the enemy.

Titan Breaker by NanoIsEpic
Titan Breaker:
-A mega-powerful but heavy hammer that can smash through barriers.
-This weapon can’t be used for combos due to being sluggish.

Kaiser Knuckle by NanoIsEpic
Kaiser Knuckle:
-A pair of brass knuckles for Zero to punch his foes.
-Allows Zero to utilize moves from Street Fighter, like the Shoryuken and Tatsumaki Senpukyaku.
-While powerful, their range is nearly non-existent.

Sigma Blade by NanoIsEpic
Σ Blade:
-Formerly used by Sigma in Mega Man X8.
-A very massive sword with an impressive range and enough power to shatter barrier with no difficulty.
-Equipping it will automatically halve the special weapon energy.

Buster Shot by NanoIsEpic
Buster Shot:
-Zero’s primarily long-ranged weapon in the Mega Man Zero series.
-Formerly used by a deceased Resistance member, Milan.
-Like the Zero Buster, has various charge levels.
-Can change shots into elements it fires.

Shield Boomerang by NanoIsEpic
Shield Boomerang:
-Crafted by Cerveau, the Resistance’s engineer.
-An energy shield that spins the Z-Saber on his forearm.
-Can reflect multiple long-ranged attacks.
-When it’s charged, it can be thrown like a boomerang while easily cutting through enemies.

Triple Rod by NanoIsEpic
Triple Rod:
-Crafted by Cerveau, the Resistance’s engineer.
-A lance weapon with a Z-Saber hilt.
-Can extend three times for range.
-Can spin the weapon when it is charged.
-Can be aimed at any directions.
-The weapon is destroyed, though the remains did make a new weapon.

Chain Rod by NanoIsEpic
Chain Rod:
-Crafted by Cerveau, the Resistance’s engineer.
-Built from the remains of Zero’s Triple Rod.
-A long chain with a big Z-Saber blade at the end.
-Can utilize as a grappling hook.
-Can reach objects far from Zero.
-Can remove the enemies’ weapon away from them.
-Can hold enemies in place.
-Can be improved via elemental chips.

Recoil Rod by NanoIsEpic
Recoil Rod:
-Crafted by Cerveau, the Resistance’s engineer.
-Wields two pairs of energy tonfa-like blades.
-Mostly utilized for rapid jabs.
-While charging the rod, it pushes enemies and massive blocks.
 -It also gives Zero a super-high jump to heights that wouldn’t be possible to reach.

Zero Knuckle by NanoIsEpic
Zero Knuckle:
-One of Zero’s greatest weapon.
-It is a chip implanted in Zero’s hand.
-By punching the foe with the weapon in use, Zero tears out the enemy’s parts and use it as a weapon, which causes the death of the enemy.
-Each weapon has its ammunition and can be discarded when running out.
-Can’t use the elemental chips nor EX Skills for the Zero Knuckle.

Sub Tank by NanoIsEpic
-Tanks that store energy that heals Zero’s damage.
-Holds few Sub-Tanks with him.

Good Girl and Cyber Elves by NanoIsEpic
Cyber Elves:
-Beings made of pure light and come from a programmed world known as the cyberspace.
-Can bring and resurrect Zero back to life.
-Can regenerate limbs back to normal.
-Can operate by rewriting the Cyberspace.
-Minus Croire, when a Cyber Elf is used, they die.
Nurse Elves: True to their names, they restore Zero’s health and energy.
 –Priestess: Doubles Zero’s life gauge.
 –Hareff: “Health for you, death for me.”
  -Actual quote, you can’t make it up.

 –Nebitan: Blue nurses that turn itself into a Sub-Tank.
 –Rohealar: Small blue nurses that absorb attacks and convert them into Zero’s health.
 –Mulaq: Fully heals Zero and gives some energy for his Sub-Tank.
 –Sloppe: Searches for and drops Life Energy for Zero heal.
Animal Elves: Based on their names, they are based on animals like birds and monkeys and provide Zero direct combat support.
 –Turtle: Boost Zero’s defence.
 –Slime: Prevents deadly traps from one-shotting him.
 –Cheetah: Increases Zero’s movement speed.
 –Monkey: Increases Zero’s climbing speed.
 –Frog: Makes Zero slide slower on a wall and lets him defy gravity.
 –Cow: Reduces knockback from hits.
 –Bird: Prevents Zero from falling down pits.
 –Bee: Supports Zero by shooting at his enemies.
 –Sea Otter: Sticks onto the enemy and stun them.
 –Blowfish: Absorbs bullets and self-destructs itself.
 –Arch: Attacks in an arc by hitting the ground.
Hacker Elves: Mechanical elves capable of 
rewriting enemy data and changing the map.
 –Magician: Turns every hazards into blocks.
 –Armour: Erases enemies out of existence.
 –Giant: Reduces the enemy’s energy completely.
 –Time: Stops the movement of an enemy.
 –Clock: Can speed up Zero’s charging.
 –Item: By defeating a foe, drops items.
 –Metall: Turns enemies into Mets.
 –Shinobi: Makes Zero learn or improve his techniques or abilities.
 –Mikoshi: Increases Zero’s power of his weapons.
Jackson: The only Rare Cyber Elf, it grants Zero intangibility.
Fusion Elves: Cyber Elves that are absorbed into Zero’s body and are permanent until they disappear.
Satellite Elves: Cyber Elves that circle around Zero, provide backup and can use their abilities without dying, but Zero will only have two Satellite Elves slots and the same elves can’t be reused.
Croire: A cyber elf that replicates the abilities of the nurse, animal and hacker elves.

Zero Chips by NanoIsEpic
-A selection of chips that are usable.
Flame Chip: Effective against ice, damages enemy in effect and burn down leaves, vines and trees.
Ice Chip: Effective against thunder and freezes enemies.
Thunder Chip: Effective against fire and 
can paralyse the enemy.
Auto Charge: Weapons are automatically charged.
Auto Recovery: Recovers health by staying still.
Quick Charge: Weapons are charged much quicker.
Light: Makes Zero’s entire body light, which allows him to walk on quicksand and crumbling terrains.
Absorber: No recoil when hit.
Spike: Walks on slippery surfaces.
Quick: Runs faster than before.
Double Jump: Can jump again in mid-air.
Shadow Dash: Invulnerable to nearly all enemy attacks for the duration of the dash.
Frog: Can slide on walls slower.
Splash Jump: Jumps on water.
Ultima: Posses the Spike, Quick, Double Jump, Shadow Dash, Frog and Splash Jump in one chip.
Double Barrier: Doubles invulnerability when hit by the enemy.
Shield Armour: Halves the damage.
Spike Walker: Reduces speed of sliding down walls.

-Items Zero obtains and equips that give him some effects.
Hyper Dash: Increases Zero’s dash speed and distance while also making him invincible.
Barrier Extender: Doubles the amount of mercy invincibility time.
Shock Buffer: Reduces the knockback and stun in half.
Super Recover: Increases energy gained when an energy capsule is picked up. 
Z-Saber Extend: Makes the Z-Saber longer than before.
Shot Eraser: Can destroy enemy shots.
Virus Buster: Can harm and destroy Sigma and Zero Viruses clones.
Jumper & Speedster: Increases Zero’s jump and speed.
Speed Shot: Increases the Z-Buster’s shooting speed.
Buster Plus: Increases the Z-Buster’s power.
Z-Saber Plus:​​​​​​​ Each slash increases the Z-Saber’s power.
Damage Converter: Damage taken restores energy for the Giga Attack and special weapons.
Master Saber: Damage inflicted on enemies by Z-Saber techniques will be increased by one for every hit.
Weapon Drive: Zero will able to shoot a chain of 5 shots from his Z-Buster instead of 1.

Force Metal by NanoIsEpic
Force Metal:
-An extraterrestrial metal that came from a meteor that crash-landed on Earth.
-When infused with a Reploid, enhances the user’s strength and intelligence.
-However, too much Force Metals causes the Reploid to become a Maverick.
-Zero can only use three Force Metals without going Maverick.
-Depending on what Force Metals Zero can have, here are some of the useful ones:
 –Block All: Prevents a variety of status ailments such as virus, freezing, berserk, blind, bind (Reduces speed), and DOA (Instant death).
 –Infinite Resist: Grants Zero immunity to Power Negation.
 –Decoy: A disposable Force Metal that automatically brings Zero back to life with 25% of his Life Energy.
 –Analyzer: Provides data on the enemy.
 –SFM Fragment α: Greatly increases all of Zero’s parameters.
 –Reverse Fire: Heals Zero if he gets hit with fire.
 –Reverse Water: Heals Zero if he gets hit with water.
 –Reverse Thunder: Heals Zero if he gets hit with electricity.
 –Full specs +10: Increases Power, Armour, Shield and Speed by 10%.

Sub Weapons by NanoIsEpic
-Set of sub weaponry and other abilities Zero brings in battle.
 –Heat Haze: Creates an illusory double of himself that attacks the enemy.
 –Photon Missile: Shoots a powerful missile.
 –Virus Missile: Shoots a missile that infects the enemy with a virus.
 –Smoke Missile: Shoots a missile that makes the enemy go blind.
 –Tractor Net: Shoots a missile that reduces the enemy’s speed (bind effect).
 –Cracker: Shoots a missile that makes the enemy go berserk.
 –Cryogenic: Shoots a missile that freezes and immobilises the enemy.
 –Rust Missile: Shoots a missile that lowers power at 10%.
 –Drill Missile: Shoots a missile that lowers armour at 10%.
 –Melt Missile: Shoots a missile that lowers shield at 10%.
 –Slime Missile: Shoots a missile that lowers speed at 10%.
 –Twin Fire: Shoots two missiles that deals fire damage to the enemy.
 –Twin Ice: Shoots two missiles that deals ice damage to the enemy.
 –Twin Thunder: Shoots two missiles that deals electric damage to the enemy.
 –Oil Can: Makes the target vulnerable to fire.
 –Vitality Missile: Shoots two missiles that give damage equal to 1/10 of Zero’s life energy.
 –Energy Capture: Shoots a missile that steals life energy based on the damage it deals.
 –Item Capture: Steals an enemy’s item.
 –Turbo Clock: Lets Zero’s next action be performed much quicker.
 –Generator: Generates extra energy.

 –Vengeful Counter: Grants Zero a chance to counterattack.

Powers & Abilities:

Zero's body by NanoIsEpic
Cybernetic Body:
-Zero’s mechanical robot body built by Dr. Albert Wily.
 -Was later upgraded during X2, after Zero blew up to destroy Vile’s Ride Armour.
-Likely made of lightweight Titanium-X alloy.
-Can resist powerful heatwaves from Sol Titanion’s artificial sun.
-Can resist absolute zero ice, which can atomize anything.
-Resisted the Dark Elf’s powers.
-Resisted the Nightmare Virus, which rewrites the DNA and programmes.
-Should have the same resistance as Mega Man, who resisted Shade Man’s rays that turns enemies into statues.
-Immune to time and space manipulation as he was unaffected by X’s Dark Hold, withstood Gravity Beetle and Gravity Antonion’s black holes, which are superior to Saturn’s black holes and Centaur Man’s Centaur Flash.

-Despite being a robot, Zero has a soul known as the DNA Soul, which acts similarly to actual human souls according to Iris.
-Can breathe and walk underwater and outer space perfectly fine.
-Can crush blocks with his feet and his head.
-Has a teleport similar to the original Mega Man, but unlike Rock’s teleporter, it can teleport in and out of dimensions.

Double Attack by NanoIsEpic
Double Attack:
-With his gauge full, transports the enemy to a matrix area and performs combo attacks on the enemy.
-Usually does it with either X or Axl.


-A set of techniques he uses when defeating a Maverick in the Mega Man X series.

Rising by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Neon Tiger.
-Performs a rising uppercut with his Z-Saber.
-The more he uses, the higher he gets.
-Doesn’t use Weapon Energy.

Fish Fang by NanoIsEpic
Fish Fang:
-Obtained by defeating Launch Octopus.
-Diagonally shoots two water elemental fish-shaped missiles by swinging his Z-Saber in mid-air.

Tri-Thunder by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Volt Catfish.
-Pounds the floor to summon various balls of electricity from the ground.

Zero Lightning by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Wire Sponge.
-Summons a bolt of lightning that rains down on Earth.

Fire Wave by NanoIsEpic
Fire Wave:
-Obtained by defeating Flame Mammoth.
-Throws a small fireball that becomes a fiery pillar that travels across the terrain upon hitting an enemy.

Earth Gaizer by NanoIsEpic
Earth Gaizer:
-Obtained from the start or by defeating Blast Hornet.
-By slamming his fist on the Earth, releases pillars of fire upward and later downward.
-Punches the ground hard enough to send chucks of the floor in the air as attacks.
-Can punch the ground so hard he can generate explosions randomly.

Drill Crush by NanoIsEpic
Drill Crush:
-Obtained by defeating Tunnel Rhino.
-Performs a downward thrust in mid-air.
-The Z-Saber becomes a spinning drill.
-Doesn’t use Weapon Energy.

Raijingeki by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Web Spider.
-A lightning-infused thrust with his Z-Saber.

Kuuenbu by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Split Mushroom.
-Gives Zero the ability to double jump.

Kuuenzan by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Split Mushroom.
-Can perform a front flip in air with his Z-Saber out.

Ryuenjin by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Magma Dragoon.
-A Shoryuken-like rising slash with the Z-Saber on fire.

Rakuhouha by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Cyber Peacock.
-Pounds the ground, summoning energy projectiles in a fan-like wave.

Tenkuuha by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Storm Owl.
-Allows the Z-Saber to go purple and destroy projectiles.
-Once it is used, it cannot be deactivated.

Hyoretsuzan by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Frost Walrus.
-A downward thrust with the Z-Saber appearing as an icicle.
-Once the blade hits the ground, it shatters into pieces.

-Obtained by defeating Jet Stingray.
-A dash that grants Zero mobility mid-air.

Shippuuga by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Slash Beast.
-A dashing attack in which Zero twirls with the Z-Saber.

Mikazukizan by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Crescent Grizzly.
-Performs another front-flip with his Z-Saber, only this time he creates a golden crescent the direction he’s facing.
-Lets Zero perform another jump mid-air.

Hisuishou by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Tidal Whale.
-Performs an air-dash while automatically forming an icy barrier.
-Can use it in any direction.

Denjin by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Volt Kraken.
-Diagonally leaps up with the Z-Saber coated and leaving a trail of electricity.

Messenkou by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Shining Firefly.
-Activates the same way as Rakuhouha, but the projectiles are difficult to block and are much deadly.

Dark Hold by NanoIsEpic
Dark Hold:

-Obtained by defeating Dark Necrobat.
-Stops time around him, freezing everything and move around normally using all of it’s Energy Weapon.
-While time is stopped, Zero can still use his Z-Saber.
-While he can’t deactivate it normally, he can manually use other techniques to stop the effect.

-Obtained by defeating Burn Dinorex.
-Performs a downward drop with his Z-Saber on fire.
-When he hits the ground, produces multiple explosions.

-Obtained by defeating Spike Rosered.
-Produces a multi-coloured holographic copy of himself in front of him that mimics his movement and attacks.

Yammar Option:
-Obtained by defeating Commander Yammar.
-Summons three dragonflies-like drones that encompass Zero, which fires green energy shots when he attacks.
-Can damage enemies with contact, though this does destroy the dragonflies.
-If one dragonfly is destroyed, Zero can summon another one.

-Obtained by defeating Ground Scaravich.
-Performs an airborne horizontal slash, a bit similar to Shippuga.

-Obtained by defeating Blaze Heatnix.
-Upwardly swings his Z-Saber that produces a fiery wall in the air.

-Obtained by defeating Blizzard Wolfang.
-Jumps high enough to reach the ceiling and cling onto it for a limited time.
-While on the ceiling, rains down three icicles at the enemy.

-Obtained by defeating Rainy Turtloid.
-Performs a water-elemental circular slashing frontflip in the air.

-Obtained by defeating Metal Shark Player.
-Drops with his Z-Saber pointing down.
-Turns his entire Z-Saber metal.
-When the Z-Saber hits the ground, it explodes and releases an anchor out as a projectile.

Guard Shell:
-Obtained by defeating Shield Sheldon.
-Summons a shield in front of Zero that lets him reflect projectiles.

-Obtained by defeating Infinity Mijinion.
-Pounds the ground, sending down eleven colourful beams of light.

-Obtained by defeating Tornado Tonion.
-Surrounds himself with an electrical tornado while performing a rising attack.

-Obtained by defeating Soldier Stonekong.
-Enters a defensive stance and glows a green aura around him that either counterattack or automatically reflects energy blast.

-Obtained by defeating Splash Warfly.
-Forwardly thrusts a strong but slow tip attack with a water-elemental.
-Requires the Durga Glaive.

-Obtained by defeating Flame Hyenard.
-By fisting the ground, can make a powerful and fiery eruption.

-Obtained by defeating Ride Boarski.
-Sends out a fiery buzzsaw that travels through the ground and mows down enemies.

-Obtained by defeating Snipe Anteator.
-By swiping his Z-Saber, flings out a blue dart made of energy that follows the enemy.

Souenbu by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Wind Crowrang.
-Throws a purple blade of energy that follows the foe.
-Requires the V Hanger.

Hadangeki by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Vanishing Gungaroo.
-Performs an overhead slash that shoots a yellow crescent blast at the foe.

Tenshouha by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Optic Sunflower.
-Punches the floor and surrounds himself in a pillar of light that kills enemies close to it.

Rasetsusen by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Dark Mantis.
-Performs a fast pace dark somersault, however, he does it backwards.

Senpuukyaku by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Dark Mantis.
-Based on Akuam’s Senpukyaku from the Street Fighter series.
-Performs an airbore spinning kick.
-Requires the Kaiser Knuckle.

Hyouryuushou by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Avalanche Yeti.
-Launches and spins himself into the air that freezes the enemies. 

Shouryuuken by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Avalanche Yeti.
-Based on Ryu or Ken’s Shoryuken from the Street Fighter series.
-Leaps himself with a spiral ice elemental uppercut.
-Requires the Kaiser Knuckle.

Enkoujin by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Burn Rooster.
-Engulfs his Z-Saber in flames and plummets himself down with his saber aimed downwards.

Enkoukyaku by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Burn Rooster.
-Based on Akuma’s Tenmakujinkyaku from the Street Fighter series.
-Diagonally descends with a kick coated in flames.
-Requires the Kaiser Knuckle.

Youdantotsu by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Bamboo Pandamonium.
-Utilizes a dash thrust attack that can break defences and barriers.

Renyoudan by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Bamboo Pandamonium.
-Rapidly thrust forward his weapon that can easily destroy defences and barriers.

-Requires the Durga Glaive.

Rekkyoudan by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Earthrock Trilobyte.
-Can deflect projectiles with any weapon he has.
 -Yes, that includes deflecting projectiles by punching too.

Zekkyoudan by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Earthrock Trilobyte.
-Forms a forcefield that surrounds and protects him.
-Can be used to reflect back at the enemy.
-Requires the Bashou Fans.

Raikousen by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Gigabolt Man-O-War.
-Performs a forward slash while briefly becoming invisible, leaving a horizontal lightning trail behind.
-Can be used in any direction Zero wants.

Raijinken by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Gigabolt Man-O-War.
-Dashes forward and performs a charged uppercut that creates a pillar of electricity.
-The last bolt can pick items up for Zero.
-Requires the Kaiser Knuckle.

Juuhazan by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Gravity Antonion.
-Performs a gravity overhead slash that can bypass barriers without needing to break them.

Dairettsui by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Gravity Antonion.
-Slams the ground with enough force to shake the area Zero is in.
-Powerful enough to shatter barriers easily.
-Requires the Titan Breaker.

Ganzanha by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Gravity Antonion.
-Punches the ground hard enough to discharges a spark of purple energy that breaks barriers.
-Requires the Kaiser Knuckle.

EX Skills:

-Skills he gains when he defeats a Reploid or Maverick in Mega Man Zero.

Laser Shot by NanoIsEpic
Laser Shot:
-Obtained by defeating Hyleg Ourobockle.
-When charging the Buster Shot, fires a straight laser that goes through enemies and bypasses their defence.

Triple Shot by NanoIsEpic
Triple Shot:
-Obtained by defeating Poler Kamrous.
-Requires the Ice Chip to use this skill.
-When charging the Buster Shot, shoots three icicles with two going slight diagonal.

Spark Shot by NanoIsEpic
Spark Shot:
-Obtained by defeating Panter Flauclaws.
-Requires the Thunder Chip to use this skill.
-When charging the Buster Shot, shoots an electrical bullet and when hitting the enemy, splits into two, one goes up and the other goes down.

Blast Shot by NanoIsEpic
Blast Shot:
-Obtained by defeating Fighting Fefnir.
-Requires the Flame Chip to use this skill.
-When charging the Buster Shot, shoots a fiery orb and when hitting a wall or enemy, it explodes.

Tenshouzan by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Phoenix Magmanion.
-A jumping rising slash move.
-Can be used with the Flame Chip.

Sengatotsu by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Kuwagust Anchus.
-A dashing thrust with his saber pointed in front.
-Can be used with the Thunder Chip.

Rakuretsuzan by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Fairy Leviathan.
-Zero performs a downward thrust with the Z-Saber mid-air.
-Can be used with the Ice Chip, which envelopes Zero’s Z-Saber into ice.

Kougenjin by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Sage Harpuia.
-Releases a short-ranged wave with his Z-Saber.

Energy Chain by NanoIsEpic
Energy Chain:
-Obtained by defeating Burble Hekelot.
-Uses his Chain Rod to latch onto enemies, absorbing the foe’s energy and giving it to Zero’s health.
-Requires the Chain Rod to utilize the ability.

Filter Shield by NanoIsEpic
Filter Shield:
-Obtained by defeating Rainbow Devil MK. II.
-If any projectile hits Zero’s Boomerang Shield, they convert into E-Crystals.
-Requires the Boomerang Shield to utilize the ability.

Reflect Laser by NanoIsEpic
Reflect Laser:
-Obtained by defeating Copy X MK. II.
-When charging the Buster Shot, shoots a laser that bypasses through enemies and bounces on walls and floors.

V Shot by NanoIsEpic
V Shot:
-Obtained by defeating Volteel Biblio.
-Fires two bullets at a horizontal V manner.
-Can also be used with the Thunder Chip.

Blizzard Arrow by NanoIsEpic
Blizzard Arrow:
-Obtained by defeating Blizzack Staggroff R.
-When charging the Buster Shot, summons a single ice oval that shoots three ice shards.

Rakusaiga by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Hellbat Schilt.
-Akin to Rakuretsuzan, a downward thrust move with the Z-saber in mid-air.
-Can be used with the Thunder Chip, which turns Zero’s Z-Saber in electricity and summons two electric orbs going the opposite directions.

Zaneidan by NanoIsEpic
-Obtained by defeating Childre Inarabitta.
-Horizontally throws a blade-shaped projectile with the Z-Saber.
-Can be used with the Ice Chip, which turns the projectile in ice.

1000 Slash by NanoIsEpic
1000 Slash:
-Obtained by defeating Deathtanz Mantisk.
-Rapidly strikes the enemy to the point of making afterimages with the Recoil Rod.
-Requires the Recoil Rod to utilize the ability.

Soul Launcher by NanoIsEpic
Soul Launcher:
-Obtained by defeating Cubit Foxtar.
-When aiming the Recoil Rod upwards, shoots an energy projectile that splits into four projectiles and crashes down back to Earth.
-Can be used with the Fire Chip.
-Requires the Recoil Rod to utilize the ability.

Shield Sweep by NanoIsEpic
Shield Sweep:
-Obtained by defeating Anubis Necromancess V.
-A charged Boomerang Shield rolls along the floor, before going back to the owner.
-Leaves a trail of sparks if the Thunder Chip is used.
-Requires the Boomerang Shield to utilize the ability.

Orbit Shield by NanoIsEpic
Orbit Shield:
-Obtained by defeating Glacier le Cactank.
-Zero throws the Boomerang Shield, which files around him four times.
-Requires the Boomerang Shield to utilize the ability.

Time Stopper by NanoIsEpic
Time Stopper:
-Obtained by defeating Popla Cocapetri.
-When charging the Buster Shot, shoots an orb that transforms into a box that stops enemies by freezing time, while also damaging them.

Tractor Shot by NanoIsEpic
Tractor Shot:
-Obtained by defeating Mino Magnus.
-Requires the Thunder Chip to use this skill.
-When charging the Buster Shot, creates a sphere that sticks to the muzzle of the weapon, absorbing enemy projectiles and making the sphere bigger.
-Can also stun the enemies.

Burning Shot by NanoIsEpic
Burning Shot:
-Obtained by defeating Sol Titanion.
-Requires the Flame Chip to use this skill.
-When charging the Buster Shot, shoots a fiery blast that explodes upon contact and can burn enemies near.

Ice Javelin by NanoIsEpic
Ice Javelin:
-Obtained by defeating Tech Kraken.
-Requires the Ice Chip to use this skill.
-Shoots a long ice spear that can freeze most enemies.



Ride Armour by NanoIsEpic
Ride Armour:
-A large mechanical armour that can be used by Zero.
-There are lots of Ride Armours that Zero can use.
 –Raiden: Relies on fists, built-in electromagnetic blade for combo slashes.
 –Eagle: Relies on flying, has an arm-cannon to shoot mass of energy and when charged, can fire three rays that follow the enemy.
 –Gouden: A long-ranged mech that has an arm-cannon on its left arm and missiles on the back.
 –Cyclops: Equips an electromagnetic napalm gun on the shoulder that disables electronics and paralyses enemies.
 –Golem: Equipped with a drill on its right arm and relies on punching.


Ride Chaser by NanoIsEpic
Ride Chaser:
-A fast vehicle that Zero uses to transport, though he can use to attack enemies.
-Like the Ride Armour, there are versions of Ride Chaser.
 –Adion: Has a lethal dash and can perform it in the air.
 –Sirius: A flying Ride Chaser that can shoot energy projectiles.
 –Barius: Similar to the Adion Ride Chaser but can charge into a powerful shot.

Transformations and Armours:

Energy Form by NanoIsEpic
Energy Form:
-Changes his red scheme in yellow.
-Increases Zero’s power by 50%, but his speed is halved.
-Can only fire two shots with his Buster Shot at a time.

X Form by NanoIsEpic
X Form:
-Changes his red scheme in blue.
-Enhances Zero’s power and speed by 50%.
-Increases the Buster Shot’s power.
-Despite the buffs mentioned above, his Z-Saber combos are limited.
-This form likely a reference to his partner, Mega Man X.

Defence Form by NanoIsEpic
Defence Form:
-Changes his red scheme in green.
-Doubles Zero’s defence and boosts the Boomerang Shield.
-Although, Zero’s other weapons have been halved in this form.

Erase Form by NanoIsEpic
Erase Form:
-Changes his red scheme in pink.
-Enemy blasts will get absorbed by an uncharged Z-Saber or Boomerang Shield.
-Zero’s defence increases by 50%.
-However, this limits Zero’s combo.

Active Form by NanoIsEpic
Active Form:
-Changes his red scheme in orange.
-Can execute rolling slashes in jumps and dashes
 -However, enabling Sengatotsu disables the dashing rolling slash.
-Doubles Zero’s speed.
-Can’t perform the triple slash combo.

Power Form by NanoIsEpic
Power Form:
-Changes his red scheme in purple.
-Doubles all of Zero’s weapons, but it halves his speed.
-Can’t perform combos as well.

Rise Form by NanoIsEpic
Rise Form:
-Changes his red scheme in silvery white.
-The last Z-Saber slash in the combo changes into a vertical thrust and gives Zero an advantage against aerial enemies.
-Speed is doubled as well.

Proto/Junk Form by NanoIsEpic
Proto Form:
-Changes his red scheme in darkish grey.
-All his powers are doubled, but he can only charge the Boomerang Shield.
-Though, this limits his combos and his defence is halved.

Proto/Junk Form by NanoIsEpic
Junk Form:
-Remains the same colour scheme as the Proto Form.
-Similarly like the Proto Form, doubles his attack power and defence. 
-Still uses his weapons and EX Skills fine, but are nullified if Cyber-Elves are equipped.

Ultimate Form by NanoIsEpic
Ultimate Form:
-Zero’s strongest form throughout the Zero series.
-Changes his red scheme a bit lightish and his yellow scheme too.
-Increases every singles weapon Zero has.
-Increases Zero’s speed and defence by 50%.
-Can instantly perform charged attacks.

Awakened Zero
Awakened Zero:
-When absorbing the Colony Virus, it merged with the Sigma Virus, accessing his Awakened form.
-It is considered to be Zero’s “true form” and plans on achieving his goal to destroy X.
-Increases Zero’s already powerful strength.
-Has different techniques than his original.

Awakened Zero’s Techniques:

Shingetsurin by NanoIsEpic
-Shoots blue ring-like projectiles that home onto his foe.

Shin Messenkou by NanoIsEpic
Shin Messenkou:
-Punches the ground hard enough to send a series of projectiles from the ground.

Ittouryoudan - Genmu Zero by NanoIsEpic
Ittouryoudan: Genmu Zero:
-Fires two large crescents towards the enemy, powerful enough to one-shot enemies comparable to him.

Energy Armour by NanoIsEpic
Energy Armour:
-Obtained from Dr. Light.
-Gives more energy to the buster.
-Can absorb energy.

Neo Armour by NanoIsEpic
Neo Armour:
-An improved version of the Energy Armour after absorbing energy from Spark Mandrill L.
-Upgrades the legs part, though it’s unknown how much it improved.
-Likely has the same capabilities as before.

EX Armour by NanoIsEpic
iX Armour:
-Fuses with iX (a fake version of X) that gives Zero an armour.
-No longer usable since Zero was knocked and iX fused with X.

Black Zero by NanoIsEpic
Black Zero:
-Also known as Nightshade Zero.
-An upgrade created by Dr. Light.
-Changes Zero’s scheme from red to black.
-Gifts Zero a 100% increase in power.
-Grants Zero a 50% increase in speed.
-Doubles Zero’s defence.
-Provides weapon energy over time.
-Grants Zero a resistance towards fire attacks.

Absolute Zero
Absolute Zero:
-Another transformation by defeating Duckbill Mole.
-No longer uses his weapons as he relies on his claws to attack.
-Gives him the ability to fly due to gaining a pair of wings on his back.
-Greatly doubles the stats alongside having the ability to break defences with low difficulties.
-Can use techniques like Crimson Red, Killer Left and Brutal Right.
-His Action Trigger is Calamitous Arts, in which Zero gives the enemy a barrage of blows in several ways before landing a critical hit.

I now have depression :( by NanoIsEpic
-Can be cocky and hotheaded at times.
-Willing to sacrifice his life if he wants to achieve the results he wants.
-Some of his weaponry from the X series requires Weapon Energy, which limits his usage for his weapons.
-Some of his weaponry from the Zero series needs chips to show its true power.
-Some of his power or techniques need to be charged up.
-Armour has drawbacks, minus Ultimate Armour and Absolute Zero.
-Can only use three Force Metals without going Maverick.
-Cyber Elves die when they are being used once.
 +Doesn’t apply to Croire fortunately.
-It’s up to the writer if they want to include the Ride Armour or Ride Chaser.
-Became an Assist Trophy and not a playable character in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
-W H A T  A M  I  F I G H T I N G  F O R.

Galeem/Dharkon Rewakens DEATH BATTLE!

Galeem and Dharkon

Galeem and Dharkon by NanoIsEpic

Galeem = Kiira
Dharkon = Darz
Both = Kiira/Darz)

Also known as: Kiira and Darz, Lord of Light and Embodiment of Chaos and Darkness.
Height: Unknown (Larger than Bowser, Donkey Kong and King K. Rool).
Weight: Unknown (Larger than Bowser, Donkey Kong and King K. Rool).

First Appearance: Super Smash Bros Ultimate (2018).



-Likely the strongest characters in the Super Smash Bros series. (Kiira/Darz)
-Captured and took control of the real Master Hand and Crazy Hand. (Kiira/Darz)
 -Made hundreds of fake Master Hands and Crazy Hands. (Kiira/Darz)
-With the exception of Kirby, killed every single fighter and control them into his army. (Kiira)
-Destroyed the original Smash universe and recreated it into the Light Realm. (Kiira)
-Created hundreds of empty versions of the Smash Fighters and forced the captured spirits to control the copies. (Kiira)
-After Galeem’s defeat, created the Dark Realm and took the remaining fighters and spirits that isn’t Roy or Palutena. (Darz)
-Defeated Dharkon and consumed the whole galaxy in light, defeating the fighters along with Kirby this time. (Kiira)
-Defeated Galeem and swallowed the whole world in darkness, defeating all the fighters. (Darz)


Shake by NanoIsEpicShake 2 by NanoIsEpic
Attack Potency: Universe Level (Galeem crushed the universe’s space and did it again in a more casual and faster way in one of the bad endings)
-One shotted every single fighter except Kirby who managed to escape from Galeem’s beams. (Kiira)
-Crushed the original universe with its beams and created a new universe. (Kiira)
-Capable of shaking the Light Realm which contains stars and planets within the realm. (Kiira)
-Created the Dark Realm, which is similar to the Light Realm. (Darz)
-Shook the Dark Realm. (Darz)
-Crushed the universe again but in a more casual and faster way. (Kiira)
-Swallowed the planet in darkness. (Darz)
-Superior to Tabuu, who embodies the Great Maze. (Kiira/Darz)

Faster than light by NanoIsEpicSpeed by NanoIsEpic
Speed: Massively Faster than Light+ (Beams are capable of reaching across the universe)
-Can easily tag every Smash Fighter. (Kiira/Darz)
 -The Smash Fighters can outrun a black hole in Classic Mode’s Bonus Round.
 -Characters can react to Rayquaza’s lightning.
 -Ridley can fly through space to keep up with Samus’ gunship
-Beams can tag Falco’s Arwing, which can go through speeds going at trillion times faster than light. (Kiira)
-Beams are fast enough to go reach outside the entire Smash Universe. (Kiira)
-Can keep up with Galeem. (Darz)

Galeemed by NanoIsEpicDharkon by NanoIsEpic
Durability: Universe Level (Is completely fine by his own beams)
-Took hits from every fighter in Smash Bros Ultimate. (Kiira/Darz)
 -Characters like Rosalina can create stars when activating her Final Smash.
-Can take hits from each other. (Kiira/Darz)

Powers and Abilities:

Light by NanoIsEpic
Light Manipulation:
-Being the Lord of Light, Galeem gains the power to manipulate light.
-Covered the entire galaxy in light in his non-canon ending.
-Can fire beams of light after absorbing the fake Master Hands’ energy or not.
-Beams home into Galeem’s enemies and they cannot be reflected.
-If Galeem’s opponent has shown to warp, then the opponent will be able to escape from the beams themselves.
-It was the main reason why Kirby escaped via the Warp Star.
-Can change the entire atmosphere into a bright sky.

Darkness by NanoIsEpic
Darkness Manipulation:
-Being the Embodiment of Darkness, Dharkon gains the power to manipulate darkness.
-Covered the entire planet in darkness in a non-canon ending.
-Can fire dark energy beams.
-Can change the entire atmosphere into darkness.
-Can use the darkness to make it a sharp weapon and extends its length.
-Can create dark chains to tangle his opponents up.

Cross Bombs by NanoIsEpic
Cross Bombs:
-Summons a set of bombs that can explode in a cross-shaped explosion of light.
 -Bombs can be destroyed before being activated.

Drill Pierce by NanoIsEpic
Drill Pierce:
-Manipulates his wings above the opponent, going for a drill attack.

Optic Orb by NanoIsEpic
Optic Orb:
-Galeem charges up an orb made of light and splits it into four or six smaller orbs.
 -The smaller orbs follow the opponent.

Laser Net by NanoIsEpic
Laser Net:
-Galeem uses his wings to perform a crisscross attack, setting smaller purple lines, marking a future attack of power beams.

Tri-Eye Attack by NanoIsEpic
Tri-Eye Attack:
-Galeem duplicates his core into three cores that allows him to fire a barrage of fireballs.
 -The fireballs can be either reflected or absorbed.

Heat Seeker by NanoIsEpic
Heat Seeker:
-Charges up a big ball of light that follows his opponent, if it hits the enemy, it will donate a huge explosion.

Lens Flare by NanoIsEpic
Lens Flare:
-Summons two pair of eyes that releases shockwaves that cannot be blocked.

Mirror Shape by NanoIsEpic
Mirror Shape:
-Summons light clones of some of the Smash Fighters.
 -For a short period of time, they’ll self-destruct.

Piercing Beam by NanoIsEpic
Piercing Beam:
-Galeem develops his wings into a spear and strikes at his foe.
 -He only does this when Dharkon is stunned.

X Bombs by NanoIsEpic
X Bombs:
-Summons a set of bombs that can explode in an X-shaped explosion of light.
 -Bombs can be destroyed before being activated.

Electric Sepent by NanoIsEpic
Electric Serpent:
-One of Dharkon’s tentacles roams around covered in dark electricity as the eye follows behind.
 -The tentacles will grow longer if his health low.

Thorn Spray by NanoIsEpic
Thorn Spray:
-Dharkon fires a barrage of pink thorns and then follows up with a huge ball of dark energy to end it.
 -Neither projectiles can be reflected or absorbed.

Tangled Rush by NanoIsEpic
Tangled Rush:
-Dharkon sends his tentacles through a series of portals at different angles as his eye hovers in the middle.

Temporal Rift by NanoIsEpic
Temporal Rift:
-Dharkon uses his tentacles to perform a devastating slash the rips space an ‘X’ lines.
 -If Dharkon’s opponent moves into the line, they will be slow down.

Shadow Erupt by NanoIsEpic
Shadow Erupt:
-Unleashes beams of darkness out from the ground.

Tentacle Pierce by NanoIsEpic
Tentacle Pierce:
-Dharkon uses his five tentacles one after another.
 -Dharkon’s eye is attached to the final tentacle.

Shadow Shape by NanoIsEpic
Shadow Shape:
-Summons dark clones of some of the Smash Fighters
 -Like Galeem, they’ll self-destruct for a short period of time.

Crushing Shade by NanoIsEpic
Crushing Shade:
-Dharkon’s tentacles will shift into a giant hammer and strike his opponents.
  -He only does this when Galeem is stunned.

Photonic Wave by NanoIsEpic
Photonic Wave
-Summons two waves of light or/and darkness.
 -If any waves are touched, the opponent rapidly gets more damage.
-A move that both Galeem and Dharkon can use at the same time.

Forcefield by NanoIsEpic
Forcefield Creation:
-Galeem gains the ability to create an impenetrable forcefield that surrounds him.
 -If Galeem’s three boss spirits are all defeated, the shield will dissipate completely.

Glass by NanoIsEpic
Space Manipulation:
-After Galeem’s first defeat, Dharkon was shown to shatter the sky like it was glass.

Teleport by NanoIsEpicTeleport 2 by NanoIsEpic
-No description needed.


Master Hands by NanoIsEpic
Master Hands:
-Galeem controls an army of Master Hands, one of them being the real Master Hand.
 -If the real Master Hand is defeated, he goes back to himself.
-Master Hands have shown to share the same abilities as the real Master Hand.
Big Swipe: Reels back and performs a slapping motion across.
Fake-Out Slap: Holds up a fist above the opponent and slams down rather than punching them.
Finger Bullet: Fires off three pairs of bullets out from his fingers, can be reflected.
Finger Drill: Files off and plummets back while drilling into the opponent, burying them.
Fireball Frenzy: Fires off three or five balls of electricity follow with a flying punch.
Hazardous Smudge: Places his finger and drags it on the floor to make a pair of spikes.
Ink Blob: Creates a ball of aqua ink that covers the opponent in it.
Jetstream: Files off while having his finger pointing out, attempting to knock out the opponent.
Laser Nail: Fires lasers out from each fingertip.
Mirrored Laser: Fires a laser from one of his fingertip and creates a series of mirrors that laser reflects upon contact.
Ring Toss: Tosses out two rings as the rings return back to Master Hand.
Snapper: By snapping his fingers, stuns the enemy.
Spike Ball: Tosses out spiked balls, they either roll or bounce off the surface. Can be reflected and attacked.
Squeeze: Grabs the opponent and transforms into a balled-up fist, crushing his opponent.

Crazy Hands by NanoIsEpic
Crazy Hands:
-Dharkon controls an army of Crazy Hands, one of them being the real Crazy Hand.
  -If the controlled Crazy Hand is defeated, he goes back to himself.
-Crazy Hands have shown to share the same abilities as the real Crazy Hand.
Big Swipe: Reels back and performs a slapping motion across.
Finger Bomb: A series of bombs rain down from his fingertips
Finger Drill: Files off and plummets back while drilling into the opponent.
Frozen Rope: Crazy Hand’s index finger extends three times its length that freezes the opponent into an ice block.
Jetstream: Files off while having his finger pointing out, attempting to knock out the opponent.
Laser Nail: Fires lasers out from each fingertip.
Paralyzing Gaze: Creates an eye between his finger and thumb that circles a beam of light in the fight, if the light caught the opponent, it will charge up and the light will shift to dark purple, stunning the enemy.
Pentaflame: Summons five blue fireballs that surround him. They move outwards, then inwards and finally spreading outwards.
Roving Void: Creates two black holes that hover about.
Shovel Claw: Crazy Hand digs his finger into the floor, afterwards he swipes them out and releases a weave at the enemy.
Spasm: Lying on the floor, Crazy Hand flops around.
Spider Claw: Crazy Hand uses his fingers as legs, trying to ram into the enemy.
Squeeze: Grabs the opponent and transforms into a balled-up fist, crushing his opponent.

-Master and Crazy Hands have shown to have abilities together:
Cross Punch: Crazy Hand’s fist reels forward as Master Hand catches him.
Dual Lasers: The Hands fire their lasers from their fingertips.
Dual Sweep: Crazy Hand uses his fingers as legs, trying to ram into the enemy,
Shadow Puppet: Master and Crazy Hand grab each other and begin releasing shockwaves, the final one stunning the enemy.
Static Discharge: The two hands rub each other generating an electric field around them, slamming down on the floor cover it with electricity.

Spooky by NanoIsEpic
Puppet Fighters:
-After Galeem made countless fake versions of every fighter, he forced the captive spirits to control the empty fighters.
-Each spirit gains different moves, item and powers depending on what the spirit is based on.
 -Some spirits have their power, speed, throws or explosion increased.
 -Some spirits can start off being metal, giant, tiny, invisible or both.
 -Some spirits will favour using one move or more.
 -Some spirits have super armour.
 -Some spirits can cause earthquakes.
 -Some spirits can pull items close to them.
 -Some spirits can increase power just by eating food.
 -Some spirits can decrease the enemy’s power and speed.
 -Some spirits love to taunt their opponent.
 -Some spirits can suddenly have their Final Smashes from the start.
 -Some spirits have their Final Smashes being charged quickly.
 -Some spirits start off with an army.
 -Some spirits can have temporary invincibility.
 -Some spirits can run so fast enough to harm their enemy.
 -Some spirits summon reinforcements.
 -Some spirits will suddenly give the opponent massive damage.
 -Some spirits have floor on lava, electrified, freezing cold, sticky or make the enemy go to sleep.
 -Some spirits gain heavy wind that is strong enough to blow enemies away, fog to hide, poison the enemy with toxic clouds. or gravity that can be altered differently.
 -Some spirits can start the fight equipped with an item such as:

Rage Blaster by NanoIsEpic
Rage Blaster:
-The gun’s power increases when the enemy takes more damage.

Ramblin' Evil Mushroom by NanoIsEpic
Ramblin’ Evil Mushroom:
-Opponents hit with enough of these spores will grow a mushroom, confusing the opponent.

Staff by NanoIsEpic
-A staff that fires a laser that deals great damage when further away.

Beastball by NanoIsEpic
-Throwing it will lead it to disappear and come near to the opponent while being engulfed in blue flames.

Black Hole by NanoIsEpic
Black Hole:
-Throwing the black hole will make it grow big and draw opponents near to its centre.

Launch Star by NanoIsEpic
Launch Star:
-Throwing it will create a star-shape gate that will fire the opponent entering it.

Bomber by NanoIsEpic
-Picking it up will make an explosion that doesn’t affect the wielder.

Healing Sprout by NanoIsEpic
Healing Sprout:
-Heals slowly whoever carries it or if it’s attached.
-Can be transferred to another person.

Healing Field by NanoIsEpic
Healing Field:
-Creates a field that slowly heals when it’s set.

Killing by NanoIsEpic
Killing Edge:
-Attacking while the blade glows doubles the damage.

Death's Scythe by NanoIsEpic
Death’s Scythe:
-A strong swing from this weapon will one-shot the opponent and rip their souls out from their bodies.

Banana Gun by NanoIsEpic
Banana Gun:
-Fires a powerful banana bullet that explodes upon contact.
 -Becomes a banana peel afterwards.

Super Star by NanoIsEpic
Super Star:
-Becomes invulnerable for a short time.

Timer by NanoIsEpic
-Slows down time and the opponent.

Bullet Bill by NanoIsEpic
Bullet Bill:
-Becomes a massive Bullet Bill and throttles forward.

Beam Sword by NanoIsEpic
Beam Sword:
-Swing this weapon extends its length.

Star Rod by NanoIsEpic
Star Rod:
-Can fire a star-like projectile.

Home-Run Bat by NanoIsEpic
Home-Run Bat:
-When the user charges up for a swing, it sends the opponent flying through the sky.

Hammer by NanoIsEpic
-When picking the item up, repeatedly swings the hammer about.
-There’s a chance for its head to fall.

Lip's Stick by NanoIsEpic
Lips’ Stick:
-When inflicting damage to the enemy, a flower pops up on their head, giving them damage.

Fire Bar by NanoIsEpic
Fire Bar:
-A sword with a long-distance, though it will get shorter.

Ore Club by NanoIsEpic
Ore Club:
-Charging up will fire a tornado.

Ray Gun by NanoIsEpic
Ray Gun:
-Fires out a fast-moving shot until it runs out.

Fire Flower by NanoIsEpic
Fire Flower:
-Spews out a stream of fire.

Nintendo Scope by NanoIsEpic
Nintendo Scope:
-Either rapidly fires projectiles or charges up for a powerful blast.

Gust Bellows by NanoIsEpic
Gust Bellows:
-Blows enemies off edges.

Steel Diver by NanoIsEpic
Steel Diver:
-Launches torpedos.

Drill by NanoIsEpic
-Fires a drill that stuns the enemy for a while

Bob-omb by NanoIsEpic
-Bob-omb can just walk or the user can chuck it at the foe.

Motion-Sensor Bomb by NanoIsEpic
Motion-Sensor Bomb:
-Once the bomb detects a foe, it will explode.

Shell by NanoIsEpic
Green Shell:
-Can bounce on walls and knock opponents out.

Bumper by NanoIsEpic
-Can be placed on the air or floor.
-Opponents will bounce like a pinball if they touch the bumper.

Freezie by NanoIsEpic
-Throwing it will instantly freeze the enemy.

Mr. Saturn by NanoIsEpic
Mr. Saturn:
-Can easily break an enemy’s forcefield.

Gooey Bomb by NanoIsEpic
Gooey Bomb:
-A bomb that denotes quickly and sticks onto a person or the floor.

Smart Bomb by NanoIsEpic
Smart Bomb:
-Slowly creates a large explosion that anyone can be caught in its radius.

Deku Nut by NanoIsEpic
Deku Nut:
-A nut that’ll explode if it’s thrown or denotes, stunning the enemies.

Smoke Bomb by NanoIsEpic
Smoke Ball:
-After being thrown, it will either roll or stick, releasing smoke.

Pitfall by NanoIsEpic
-Creates an invisible pitfall, trapping anyone who stands on it.

Hothead by NanoIsEpic
-A fireball that will move around a platform.
-If it gets attack, its power increases and gains electricity powers.

Unira by NanoIsEpic
-Reveals its dangerous spikes and can stick onto a wall.

Soccer Ball by NanoIsEpic
Soccer Ball:
-Using a strong attack will launch the ball into a burst of flames, knocking opponents.
-Can’t be picked up.

Bombchu by NanoIsEpic
-A bomb that crawls on walls, ceilings and floors.

X Bomb by NanoIsEpic
X Bomb:
-Erupts into an explosion with four directions, that either can go vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

POW Block by NanoIsEpic
POW Block:
-Hitting or throwing it will launch enemies into the air.

B L U E  S H E L L by NanoIsEpic
Spiny Shell
-Throwing it will follow the winning enemy and strike them.

Boomerang by NanoIsEpic
-When throwing it, it comes back to the user and gets a boost in power if caught by the user.

Beetle by NanoIsEpic
-If it hits an opponent, it will grab the enemy and fly off to the air.

Chicken by NanoIsEpic
-If someone throws it at their enemy, it will summon a swarm of Cuccos will attack the enemy.

B E E S ! by NanoIsEpic
-A swarm of bees will emerge and attack the enemy.

Killer Eye by NanoIsEpic
Killer Eye:
-A motionless cannon that shoots beams.

Galaga by NanoIsEpic
Boss Galaga:
-Will attempt on capturing the opponent and if it does, it takes them into space.

Back Shield by NanoIsEpic
Back Shield:
-Blocks an attack behind the user.

Super Leaf by NanoIsEpic
Super Leaf:
-Gives the user a tanooki tail for flight.

Rocket Belt by NanoIsEpic
Rocket Belt:
-Gives the user flight.

Warp Star by NanoIsEpic
Warp Star:
-Is mostly used for users flying up and diving back down for a devasting attack.
-The Warp Star has been shown to warp.

-A reason why Kirby was able to escape from Galeem’s invasion.

Pokeball by NanoIsEpicMaster Ball by NanoIsEpic
Poké/Master Ball:
-Summons many different Pokémons
Alolan Raichu: Rides on its tail to move and coat itself in electricity.
Vulpix: Shoots a pillar of fire to the closest enemy.
Alolan Vulpix: Shoots an ice projectile that freezes the enemy.
Meowth: Uses Pay Day to throw out coins at the enemies as projectiles.
Abra: Teleports himself and the enemy anywhere.
Electrode: Charges up for a big explosion, can be picked up.
Alolan Exeggutor: Blocks the fighters from each other with its neck.
Goldeen: Just flops about. Basically doing never.
Staryu: Looks for a target and fires a flurry of star projectiles.
Ditto: Copies the summons physical appearances and attacks.
Eevee: Repeatedly uses Tackle.
Snorlax: Jumps to the sky and uses its weight to crush the enemy.
Moltres: Touching it will deal fire damage to the enemy.
Mew: Does nothing to affect the fight.
Togepi: If anyone is close to Togepi, it depends on what will affect them, Leech Seed will inflict damage with no knockback, freezes the enemies with Powder Snow, put enemies to sleep with Hypnosis and bury enemies with Magnitude.
Bellossom: Uses Sweet Scent to dance and put enemies to sleep.
Scizor: Use its Metal Claws to attack enemies.
Entei: Summons an enormous fiery pillar.
Suicune: Shoots icy beam that freezes enemies instantly.
Lugia: Fires out deadly wind projectiles.
Gardevoir: Can summon a barrier that reflects projectiles.
Metagross: Buries the enemy by stomping on them.
Latias & Latios: Summoning either one of them will fly super-fast enough to blow them away and deal damage to enemies if they are hit by either Latias or Latios.
Kyogre: Shoots out Hydro Pump, which blows enemies away.
Deoxys: Flys above the area and shoots a Hyper Beam on the ground.
Abomasnow: Summons ice tornado with Blizarrd and infuses his fist with ice via Ice Punch.
Palkia: Can cause Earthquakes or fire Hyper Beams in any direction.
Giratina: Breathes out large vortexes three times
Darkrai: Shoots out Dark Void that puts opponents to sleep.
Arceus: Anyone in midair will blast to the ground.
Victini: Will make the summoner stronger or activate his/her Final Smash
Snivy: Flings out Razor Leafs to harm the opponent.
Oshawott: Activates Surfs, which surfs on water and damages the enemy with it.
Zoroark: Swipes its claws upwards and performs a flurry of slashes in midair, ending it with both of its claws in a downward slash.
Kyurem: Activates Icy Winds to fire two vortexes that freezes the enemies at its sides.
Keldeo: Uses Secret Sword to slash its opponents with its horn.
Meloetta: Shoots out two Echoed Voices that bounces on the battlefield.
Genesect: Shoots out plasma projectiles and charge to fire out a beam.
Chespin: Uses Seed Bomb around it, which explodes in a second.
Fennekin: Similar to Vulpix, but has longer range.
Fletchling: Pecks the enemy repeatedly.
Spewpa: If someone harms it, it will release Stun Spore and stun the enemy.
Gogoat: Dashes to the enemy to hit them, its back can be used as a platform.
Swirlix: Releases Cotton Spore, which releases pink clouds surrounding it and slowing down the enemy.
Inkay: Uses Topsy-Turvy to trip the enemy.
Dedenne: Leaps in the air and discharges electricity around its body.
Xerneas: Covers the summoner in gold.
Bewear: Walks to the enemy and performs an uppercut.
Pyukumuku: Punches the enemy if they got near to it, can be picked up.
Togedemaru: Use Zing Zap, an electric burst attack.
Mimikyu: Uses Let’s Snuggle Together, a move that Mimikyu pulls a hand to grab the enemy, bring it down under its cloth and deal damage to them.
Marshadow: Hides inside the opponent’s shadow and stuns them, charging up a powerful punch.
Tapu Koko: Unleashes a large electric dome around itself while shooting beams of electricity at four different directions.
Solgaleo: Unleashes Sunsteel Strike and blitz towards the enemy.
Lunala: Fires a bright laser at the enemy, while dragging it upward.

Pain and Suffering by NanoIsEpic
Assist Trophy:
-An item that summons a character that supports you and deconfirms them to be playable.

Waluigi: Waluigi will run-up to the enemy and stomp them to death and whack with his tennis racket.
Knuckle Joe: Either fires out a barrage of Vulcan Jab, perform an upward punch called Rising Break, thrust a powerful jab called Smash Punch.
Lyn: Crouches to build up her power and performs a diagonal slash to the nearest enemy.
Gray Fox: Goes up close to the enemy and slashes the enemy and can reflect projectiles.
Andross: Spits out polygonal panels at his enemies.
Samurai Goroh: Runs around and recklessly slash his enemies.
Dr. Weight: Summons a skyscraper out of the floor to launch the enemy.
Starfy: Attacks the enemy by spinning around.
Jeff: Uses his Multi-Bottle Rocket 5 to launch guided missiles.
Metroid: Sucks out the energy of their opponents, though it is vulnerable to ice attacks.
Hammer Bros: Chucks out hammers at the opponent.
Isaac: Uses an ability called Move, which fires out a hand that pushes enemies, a fist that slams onto the opponent or summons two hands to grab them.
Shadow the Hedgehog: Has the ability to slow down enemies or even stop them via Chaos Control.
Ashley: Creates a dark purple cloud surrounding her, any enemy in there will move slowly, take damage, shrink down into size and the food in there will damage the enemy rather than healing.
Chain Chomp: Anyone close to it will be bitten to death.
Colour TV-Game 15: Paddles to left and right will make the ball bounce, if the ball hits the opponent, they will take damage.
Dillion: Curls up into an oval and dash towards the enemy.
Dr. Kawashima: Flings out numbers and the number adds up to “10” will cause a devastating explosion.
Ghirahim: Teleports to the enemy with a snap, throw knives and wields rapier to slash his enemies.
Ghosts: Blinky will take the shortest route, Inky moves the opposite of Blinky, Pinky will move in front of the opponent, and Clyde moves randomly.
Midna: Teleports near to any enemy and shifts her hair into a hand to toss enemies.
Mother Brain: She is protected by a glass dome, fires projectiles out of nowhere and fires a laser ray from her eye.
Nightmare: Cover the entire area into darkness.
Phosphora: Fires out any lightning bolts, files and teleports around the area.
Riki: Happy Happy increases the launch power for any fighters, Freezinate freezes the enemies, Bedtime puts enemies to sleep, Yoink! pulls items towards him, You Can Do It heals the fighters and Roly-Poly trips the enemies over.
Sable Prince: Transforms into a frog or snake to attack the enemy in a cartoonish fashion.
Sheriff: Fires out bullets that deals great damage.
Skull Kid: Either turn everyone invisible or confuse the enemies.
Starman: Shoots PK Beam Gamma a beam or PK Beam Omega, similar to PK Beam Gamma but fires a barrage of beams and can teleport.
Takamaru: Slashes his enemies up close and throws four windmill swords in different directions.
Akira: Uses Hakkyoku-Ken to fight against his enemies.
Alucard: Uses his sword to slash opponents, transform into either mist or a bat.
Arcade Bunny: Summons a crane from the sky and try to pick up enemies.
Black Knight: While slow, swings his sword hard enough to launch enemies.
Bomberman: Plants down bombs and donates them to explode in a cross.
Burrowing Snagret: Goes underground, go back up and peck the opponent.
Chef Kawasaki: Throws plates as projectiles and scoops enemies with a ladle and puts enemies into a pot and cook them, when he finishes cooking, he summons food out of the pot.
Flies & Hand: Flies will fly around the area while the hand swats them, if the enemies are close to the flies, the hand swats them.
Guile: Will crouch and wait until the enemy is close in which he performs his Blast Kick, he will fire Sonic Booms at his opponent at a long distance.
Kapp’n: Rides a bus towards the enemy, if the bus reaches to the opponent, they will be taken away.
Klaptrap: Will go up close and chomp on the enemy.
Knuckles the Echidna: Goes underground and performs an upper punch, relies on punches and performs a Homing Attack.
Krystal: Uses her staff to whack her opponents and freeze them.
Majora’s Moon: Falls towards where the fighters are fighting and crash into the battlefield.
Nikki: Can draw Bullet Bill to hit the enemies, a ghost that paralyzes the enemy, a flock of birds that fly to the enemy, a pinwheel that blows enemies away, a dragon that breath out fire and a Final Smash.
Rodin: Summons a bigger version of his arm and perform the After Burner Kick.
Shovel Knight: Can dig up the ground that throws dirt at the enemies and buries the enemy, can also pogo stick on the enemies as well.
Spring Man: Uses his Toaster arms for a wide range and can perform a barrage of punches.
Sukapon: Attacks enemies by spinning around, grab them and take his head off as a projectile.
Tiki: Transforms into her dragon form and attacks the enemies by breathing out fire.
Thwomp: Can float in the air and slam into the enemy.
Vince: Paints either a cat, statue, tomatoes, seashells and birds.
Wily Capsule: Can teleport to a random area and shoot fire and ice projectiles, can shoot electric orbs on the ground and spins around in electricity.
Yuri Kozukata: Uses the Camera Obscura to stun and damage the enemies for a while.
Zero: Wields the Z-Saber to go up close, Ryuenjin for a fiery upward slash, Kuenzan for spinning slash attack and Genmu Zero is wave that Zero fires from his Z-Saber.


Giga Bowser by NanoIsEpic
Giga Bowser:
-Galeem can summon Bowser’s stronger form, Giga Bowser.
-First Appeared in Super Smash Bros Melee (2001).
-Giga Bowser is known to be a stronger version of Smash!Bowser.
Fire Breath: Like his original counterpart, can breathe fire, however, it’s much stronger and doesn’t get weaker over time.
Whirling Fortress: Spinning up to gain vertical distance, this time he gains invincibility.
Bowser Bomb: Giga Bowser jumps through the air and then plummets downwards.
Flying Slam: Giga picks up the opponent, performs a flip at midair and lands on top the opponent, suplex style.
-Unlike the actual Bowser, Giga Bowser has effects on his attacks.
-His claws cause darkness effect, spikes cause electricity effect and his shell can freeze his opponents.

Galleom by NanoIsEpic
-Galeem can summon Subspace Emissary’s warmonger, Galleom.
-First Appeared in Super Smash Bros Brawl (2008).
-Galleom lifts both his fists and slams them onto the floor with enough force to unleash a shockwave.
-Galleom leaps off from the ground as the jet boosters on his feet make him hover, once he deactivates it, he stomps on the floor.
-Galleom lifts one of his foot off the ground as he stomps onto the ground, burying the enemy.
-Charging up, Galleom unleashes a spin attack, creating a strong vacuum.
-Will wildly stomp about and will become stronger than before.
Tank Form:
-Galleom can morph into a tank-like vehicle.
-Unleashes missiles out from his back.
-Moves towards his opponents to run them over, if he misses, he randomly falls from the sky.

Rathalos by NanoIsEpicRathalos:
-Galeem can summon the spirit of Rathalos.
-First Appeared in Monster Hunter (2004).
-With its massive wings, gains the ability to fly whatever it wants.
-Rathalos’ roar is strong enough to stun its opponents.
-If Rathalos slashes its enemies with its claws, they will be poisoned.
-Rathalos’ main attack is when it fires fireballs strong enough to knock back its opponents and make big explosions.
-Rathalos can swing its tail when it is moving its body.

Marx by NanoIsEpic
-Dharkon can summon Kirby’s enemy, Marx.
-First Appeared in Kirby Super Star (1996).

-Has the ability to teleport.
-Marx can throw four crescent blades that come back to him, he does this twice and can be eaten and reflected.
-Marx charges up a purple beam of death from his mouth.
-Marx can drop a big ball that splits into ice balls that spread out horizontally. Can be eaten and reflected.
-Drops five dark seeds that sink into the ground. The seed will grow into a large thorny plant upward depending on where the seeds landed.
-A shadow will appear and follow the opponent, the shadow grows bigger and Marx files out of it.
-Marx’s eyes will go completely black and shoot dark balls that bounce around the stage.
-Marx grows compound eyes that send beams from the eyes.
-Marx retracts his wing and releases long pink blood vessels across the field.
-Marx will split into two that allows him to open a black hole, if the opponent gets caught by the black hole, the foe will gain a lot of damage.

Ganon by NanoIsEpicGanon:
-Dharkon can summon Ganondorf’s true form, Ganon.
-First Appeared in the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998).
-Ganon wields two sets of swords that he uses to slash his opponents. He can also use a spin attack with them.
-Much like Ganondorf’s Final Smash, charges into his opponent head-on.
-Ganon can jump through the air and perform a ground pound.
-Ganon can shoot lightning discs out from his twin swords.
-Ganon breathes out a big fireball of death that follows his opponents.
-Ganon releases a massive beam of darkness from his maw.

Dracula by NanoIsEpic
-Dharkon can summon the Dark Lord, Dracula.
-First Appeared in Castlevania (1986).
-Dracula teleports as a beam of light appears.

Hellfire: Like the original Castlevania, fires three sets of fireballs.
Dark Inferno: A stronger variation of Hellfire. Fires a wave of dark, meteoric orbs from his cloak.
 -Also fires them both clockwise and anti-clockwise
-Unleashes three fire pillars out of the floor.
Bat Moon: Shapeshifts into bats and rushes into his opponent.
Dracula Second Form by NanoIsEpic
Second Form:
-Once Dracula is defeated, he transforms into his second form.
-Uses his claws when he’s up close to his opponent.
Ghost Chaser: Fires out a barrage of homing spirits, if they hit the opponent, they will be poisoned.
-Leaping up just so he slams to the ground that produces a shockwave.
-Releases a strong wave of electricity from his mouth.

Dead Galeem And Dharkon by NanoIsEpic
-Galeem’s light core is his exposable weak point.
-Dharkon’s eye is his exposable weak point.
-Both Galeem and Dharkon can be stunned for a short time.

-Despite teaming together, both Galeem and Dharkon would still attack each other due to their hatred.
-Can’t scale to the canon version of the fighters’ feats.

Army Weaknesses:
-Depending on what type the spirit is, can be easily overshadowed.
-Rathalos can be stunned and buried easily.
-Attacking Ganon’s tail will harm Ganon, let alone stun him.
-Hitting Dracula’s head will damage him.

Galeem and Dharkon by NanoIsEpic

Ryu Hayabusa Tears Through DEATH BATTLE!

Ryu Hayabusa
Ryu Hayabusa bio by NanoIsEpic

Also known as: Dragon Ninja, Super Ninja, Modern Day Ninja, Ultimate Ninja and Master Ninja.
Height: 5’10”.
Weight: 154 Ibs.
Age: 23.
Date of Birth: June 15.
Blood Type: A.


-Before he had the Dragon Sword, defeated Bladedamus, the leader of the Cult of Nostradamus.
-Defeated Cyborg Spider.
-Defeated Gregory the kickboxer and Jack the small manger.
-Defeated Colonel Allen.
-Defeated Nobleman Fūkisai.
-Defeated Emperor Garuda.
-Defeated Murai, Ryu Hayabusa’s uncle.
-Killed General Dynamo, one of the Vigoor Military leaders.
-Eliminated two Hydracubus.
-Defeated a Bone Dragon.
-Inflitrated Vigoor’s military base and destroyed its communications.
-Defeated three Electric Worms.
-Defeated Paz Zuu, an evil deity created by Vigoor.
-Eliminated Doku.
-Killed Yotunfrau.
-Finished off a Fire Worm.
-Killed Smaugan, the Flame Dragon.
-Defeated Alma and her awakened form, Rachel’s younger sister that has become a Fiend.
-Defeated Marbus.
-Killed Vigoor Emperor and stopped the curse that was going to make Ryu a fiend.
-Eliminated Fiend Murai wielding the Dark Dragon Blade.
-Trained Momiji, the younger sister to Kureha.
-Killed Doku’s spirit form.
-Defeated a lot of elemental dragons.
-Defeated Obaba.
-Defeated Ishtaros.
-Eliminated Vigoor Emperor after he was resurrected.
-Defeated Nicchae, Ishtaros’ sister.
-Killed the Dark Dragon and saved Momiji.
-Defeated two Buddha Statues.
-Eliminated Shadow Ninja Rasetsu and saved Agent Sonia.
-Stall Genshin so his father can fight him.
-Defeated Alexie, the Master of Lightning and a possessed Statue of Liberty.  
-Defeated Volf, the Ruler of Storms.
-Defeated Zedonius, the Ruler of Flame.
-Took down two dragons.
-Defeated Elizébet, Ruler of Blood.
-Defeated Genshin,
-Killed Zedonius when facing him in the Underworld.
-Eliminated Volf in the Underworld.
-Killed Alexie when he faces him in the Underworld.
-Killed Genshin, who became a Fiend.
-Eliminated Elizébet and acquired the Four Greater Fiends’ hearts.
-Defeated the Infernal High Priest Dagra Dai.
-Killed the resurrected Archfiend Vazdah.
-Killed a T-Rex.
-Eliminated Fiend Obaba.
-Eliminated Epigonos, Ryu’s fiendish clone.
-Eliminated Ashtear Higgins and his mech.
-Beaten Cliff Higgins’ fiend form.
-Killed Regent of the Mask as he removed the Grip of Murder curse.
-Sliced the Goddess into halves and saved Canna.
-Defeated Barbarian.
-Defeated Bomberhead.
-Defeated Basquer.
-Defeated Kelbeross.
-Defeated Bloody Malth, the leader of the Malice Four.
-Destroyed the device that was controlling his father, Joe Hayabusa.
-Defeated Jaquio, a powerful sorcerer.
-Defeated Jashin, a demon that has enough power to control the world and destroy entire nations.
-Defeated Dando the Cursed.
-Defeated Baron Spider, half human and half spider mutant.
-Defeated Funky Dynamite.
-Defeated Naga Sotuva.
-Killed Ashtar, Emperor of Darkness and saved Irene Lew.
-Killed Jaquio, who has transformed into a monster and avenged his father’s death.
-Brought back Irene Lew back to life after her life was absorbed by the Dark Sword of Chaos.
-Defeated Mantis Warrior.
-Defeated Night Diver.
-Defeated Great Koganei.
-Defeated Sandeater.
-Defeated BIO-NOID Doppelgänger, a clone of himself.
-Defeated Clancy and the War Droid.
-Killed Yaiba, the Ninja Slayer.
-Defeated a cybernetic Yaiba.
-Created his own ninpo.
-Won the second Dead or Alive tournament.


Rules of Nature! by NanoIsEpic
Attack Potency: Large Planet Level (Can create a black hole with the Art of the Piercing Void)
-Can knock out men bigger than him.
-Can throw a sumo wrestler.
-Can take down two large thugs at the same time.
-Can hold onto Smaugan’s jaw.
-Can decapitate enemies.
-Can carry massive weapons strong enough to break concrete walls.
-Can shatter ice into fragments.
-Sliced through an enemy casually.
-Dismembered enemies with ease.
-Harmed Alexie, who can create a thunderstorm across New York City.
-Harmed Volf, who can create a sandstorm.
-Blocked the Goddess’ skyscraper sword and hold it long enough.
-His clash against Yaiba caused an explosion.
-Used his Izuna Drop technique on cybernetic Yaiba with enough force to make a massive shockwave.
-Caused a crater just by landing.

Ryu Speed by NanoIsEpic
Speed: Faster than Light (Can casually dodge light and can keep up with enemies that dodged his Art of Piercing Void.)
-Has avoided cars.
-Can dodge machine gun fire.
-Dodged laser beams.
-Dodged lightning from Garuda.
-Fast enough to run on water.
-Can dodge an arrow.
-Can intercept bullets.
-Outran a boulder.
-Dodged missile fire.
-Dodged Paz Zuu’s laser… which explodes.
-Can dodge Buddha Statue’s light.
-Evaded Alexei’s lightning.
-Dodges explosions.
-Can slice up projectiles.
-Dodged Malth’s lightning
-Dodged Clancy’s lightning

Ryu Durability by NanoIsEpic
Durability: Large Planet Level (Can withstand the Art of the Piercing Void.)
-Strong enough to survive a slash from Doku.
-Took hits from Alma, who can destroy a large portion of a church.
-Tanked a shell from a tank.
-Can walk on lava.
-Can take hits from the Dark Dragon.
-The Dark Dragon has been stated to plunge the Earth into an abyss of darkness.
-Withstood an explosion that covers Mt. Fuji.
-It is stated that Ryu can resist a normal tranquillizer shot.
-They used a tranquillizer that can bring a dinosaur down to knock Ryu out.
-Endured the Grip of Murder curse throughout the story of Ninja Gaiden 3.
-Survived a gunshot.
-Took a hit from the Sword of Chaos.
-Took hits from Jashin, who was stated to have enough power to destroy a nation.

Powers & Abilities:

-Can cling and climb on walls.
-Can run up walls.
-Can jump onto a wall to another.
-Can run to the side of the walls.

Fighting Style:
-Although he relies more on his weaponry, he has shown to be capable of fighting when he isn’t armed.
-Mainly use Ninjitsu.
-Has relied on using his fists, kicks and grappling in fights.

Stealth by NanoIsEpic
Stealth Expert:
-Turns himself invisible in a smoke-filled area.
-Rarely uses it, preferring to fight his opponents.

Sensing by NanoIsEpic
Ninja Sense:
-A 6th sense Ryu possess.
-Senses new enemies, incoming attacks and directions for him to reach his goal.

Telekinesis by NanoIsEpic
-Access the ability to lift objects telekinetically.
-Can use it to lift a platform.

-Heals slashes that critically harmed Ryu by the Hayabusa Spirit.
 -However, he will need to rest in order to happen.
-Will regenerate some damage, however, he cannot heal all his wounds.

Teleportation by NanoIsEpic
-A move that allows Ryu to teleport short distances.

Shapeshifting by NanoIsEpic
-Can transform into either a spiritual bird or a tornado.

Life-Force Absorption Resistance:
-Was still fine when the Sword of Chaos attack him.
 -The Sword of Chaos has been stated to suck up the life force.


Dragon Sword by NanoIsEpic
Dragon Sword:
-Ryu’s primary weapon.
-A sword carved from the Divine Dragons’ fang as their spirits are now inside the weapon.
-Was used by the Hayabusa Clan through generations.
-Can extend the sword’s range with the Sword Extension Wave.
-Has the ability to resurrect people back to life.
-Can transform into the True Dragon Sword with the Eye of the Dragon.
-Releases the spiritual power of the Divine Dragons hidden in the sword.
-The force has been said to upset the balance of the world.

Blade of the Archfiend by NanoIsEpic
Blade of the Archfiend:
-Originally wielded by the leader of the Black Spider Clan, Genshin.
-Wields it with the Dragon Sword
-The blade has been suggested it was forged from the molten remains of an iron meteorite breathed by the Archfiend.

Lunar by NanoIsEpic
Lunar Staff:
-A quarterstaff that has been stated to harbour the mysterious power of the moon.
-A full moon or new phases increase the staff’s shaft and making it less heavy than before.

Vigoorian Flail by NanoIsEpic
Vigoorian Flail:
-An offshoot of spiked weapons used in medieval Europe.
 -Made in the Vigoor Empire during the Middle Ages.
-Although it swings like a nunchuck despite being unrelated.
-Ryu has been fond of this weapon.

Dabilahro by NanoIsEpic
-Wielded by an ancient Vigoorian Berserkers.
-Weighs 1000 pounds and can crush enemies with it.
-Slow to swing.

Kitestu by NanoIsEpic
-A weapon used by Doku.
-A cursed blade that feeds on the souls it slays.

Wooden Sword by NanoIsEpic
Unlabored Flawlessness:
-The true form of the Wooden Sword.
-The lower Ryu’s health gets, the more power it gets.

Dual Swrods by NanoIsEpic
Dragon’s Claw and Tiger’s Claw:
-Dual Swords.
Were reputedly property of a famous dual-sword master, Miyamoto Musashi.

Falcon's Talons by NanoIsEpic
Falcon’s Talons:
-An advanced version of tekko-kagi.
-Wears gauntlets with large metal claws on his hands and feet.
-Despite lacking in power, they make up for swiftness.

Tonfas by NanoIsEpic
-Sticks reinforced with really hard steel.
 -Has the strength to pulverise human flesh
-Are really versatile.

Kusari-Gama by NanoIsEpic
-Traditional ninja weapons consisted of a long chain with a sickle on one end and a heavy weight on the other.
-Crafted by the weapon master, Shishido Tessai.

Eclipse Scythe by NanoIsEpic
Eclipse Scythe:
-A gigantic scythe born from an ancient rite of sacrifice.
-Originally owned by Volf.
-Besides the True Dragon Sword, the strongest weapon in his arsenal.

Enma's Fang by NanoIsEpic
Enma’s Fang:
-A large longsword strong enough to pulverise nearly any enemies.
-the third strongest weapon

Plasma Saber by NanoIsEpic
Plasma Saber Mk. II:
-The plasma oscillator has tuned in maximum.
-Uses a magnetic field to contain a stream of superheated plasma
-It’s sheer cutting capacity rivals the True Dragon Swords.

Throwing Star by NanoIsEpic
Shuriken Stars:
-Ryu’s main throwing weapon.
-Throws out small projectiles in a straight line.
-Has unlimited stars.


Windmill Star by NanoIsEpic
Windmill Star:
-More powerful than shuriken stars.
-Throws a large shuriken star at the target and can come back to him.
-Can go back and forth if it misses Ryu.


Incendiary Shuriken by NanoIsEpic
Incendiary Shurikens:
-A shuriken that detonates a short timer explosive at the tip.

Strong Bow by NanoIsEpic
Strong Bow:
-A composite bow made in medieval times.
-Can wield three types of arrows.
Arrows: Basic arrows that pierce foes.
Explosive Arrows: Arrows with explosive tips, they explode when they hit their targets.

 –APFSDS Core Arrows: Made from heavy tungsten material, giving it great piercing power.

Kunai by NanoIsEpic
-Uses a pair of kunais for throwing.
-Has used them for climbing up walls.

-Has unlimited kunais.

Fiend's Bane Bow by NanoIsEpic
Fiend’s Bane Bow:
-A powerful bow with a carving of two dragons developed by the Hayabusa village.
-Rivals a modern day rifle in accuracy.
-Fires arrows that are strong enough to tear through flesh and penetrate armour.

Howling Cannon by NanoIsEpic
Howling Cannon:
-A giant matchlock that slowly launches fireballs.
-Can reach over a metre.

Lock-On Bow by NanoIsEpic
Lock-On Bow:
-A special bow that locks onto targets.

Ryu's Grappling Hook by NanoIsEpic
Grappling Hook:
-A gear for traversal.

Smoke Bombs by NanoIsEpic
Smoke Bombs:
-Ryu will roll forward and throw the item on the ground, releasing a puff of smoking, blinding the enemy.

Time freeze by NanoIsEpic
Time Freeze:
-An hourglass that stops time around Hayabusa.
-Lasts for 5 seconds.

Talisman of Rebirth by NanoIsEpic
Talisman of Rebirth:
-Brings Ryu back to life after he dies.


-Ninpos are spiritual arts that allow him to manipulate the laws of nature, physics and time.
-Ryu has mastered a lot of Ninpos and even created his own.

Art of the Fire Wheels by NanoIsEpic
Art of Fire Wheels:
-Summons fireballs surrounding Ryu.
-Disappears in 5 seconds.

Flames by NanoIsEpic
Art of Flying Firewheel:
-Summons three fireballs circularly surround Ryu.
-Can be fired by Ryu’s command in different directions.

Art of Fire Dragon Balls by NanoIsEpic
Art of Fire Dragon Balls:
-Summons a fireball.
-Can be fired by Ryu’s command in different directions.

Doppelganger by NanoIsEpic
Phantom Double:
-Summons a clone of himself, which copies his a lot his moves.

Art of Vacuum Wave by NanoIsEpic
Art of Vacuum Wave:
-Summons wind blades both upwards and downwards.

Art of Inferno by NanoIsEpic
Art of the Inferno:
-Envelopes himself into flames and shoots one or three fireballs out from his hands.

Art of the Flame Phoenix by NanoIsEpic
Art of the Flame Phoenix:
-Summons spirits of sacred miniature phoenixes and fly around the caster.
-Can block projectiles that fire against him.

Art of the True Inferno by NanoIsEpic
Art of the True Inferno:
-Performing this art transforms Ryu into a fiery dragon.

Art of the Ice Storm by NanoIsEpic
Art of the Ice Storm:
-Allows Ryu to change the atmosphere around him, creating a tornado of ice shards.
-Fires said ice shards.
-Can summon ice spikes from the ground.

Art of the Inazuma by NanoIsEpic
Art of the Inazuma:
-Amplifies Ryu’s internal bioelectric current and blasts it at the surrounding area.


Art of the Hurricane by NanoIsEpic
Art of the Hurricane:
-Creates an enormous tornado, he moves the tornado with his mind as it rips apart enemies.


Art of the Wind Blades  by NanoIsEpic
Art of the Wind Blades:
-Creates sharp blade winds with a thurst from his arms around him. Slicing his enemies into pieces.

Art of Divine Life by NanoIsEpic
Art of Divine Life:
-By concentrating into healing energy with his mind. Creating lots of blue essence for healing him

Art of the Piercing Void by NanoIsEpic
Art of the Piercing Void:
-Fires out a black void out from his two palms, destroying enemies and pulling in debris towards the void.

Ki by NanoIsEpic
Torn Blast Sky:
-A blast made out of Ki energy.
-Strong enough to destroy machines.

Art of Substitution:
-Creates an illusion of himself that fights against his opponent.
 -When it’s defeated, transforms into a log.


Wind Path:
-Jumps on top of the enemy’s head.
-Can push the enemy with enough force.

Guillotine Throw by NanoIsEpic
Guillotine Throw:
-Jumps over the foe’s head and throws them with great distances.

-Blocks an attack from an enemy and counterattacks them.

Projectile Deflection:
-Enough timing, Ryu can deflect arrows and fireballs.

Flying Swallow by NanoIsEpic
Flying Swallow:
-Jumps and allows himself to propel at his enemy.

Flock of Flying Swallows by NanoIsEpic
Flock of Flying Swallows:
-Attacks the enemy with Flying Swallow, repeatedly in midair and finishes it with a downward slash.

Izuna Drop by NanoIsEpic
Izuna Drop:
-A signature Hayabusa move.
-Ryu launches the enemy and grabs hold of them, performing a spinning pile driver.
-Depending on how high, can make the enemy’s head explode.

Underworld Drop by NanoIsEpic
Underworld Drop:
-A technique used by Genshin.
-Sends him and his opponent, performing a vertical spin and slamming his opponent down.

Obliteration Technique by NanoIsEpic
Obliteration Technique:
-A quick, yet brutal finishing blows.
-Mostly used for heavily wounded enemies.

Ultimate Technique by NanoIsEpic
Ultimate Technique:
-Charges and goes for a quick kill, repeatedly slashing his opponent till they’re dead.
-Can be used with any his of weapon.

Steel on Bone:
-A technique that slices his opponents into two pieces

Four Rings:
-Twirls and throws four shurikens, stopping any opponents.

Falcon’s Eye:
-A godly technique that stops the very flow of time.
-Even master ninjas are not capable of using this move without feeling drained.


Sun by NanoIsEpic
Armlet of the Sun:
-Increases Ryu’s weapons, ninpo, projectiles and attacks power.

Moon by NanoIsEpic
Armlet of the Moon:
-Increases Ryu’s defences.

Potency by NanoIsEpic
Armlet of Potency:
-Increases kick and throw techniques.

Fortune by NanoIsEpic
Armlet of Fortune:
-Increases his Ki build-up.

Tranquility by NanoIsEpic
Armlet of Tranquility:
-Gradually replenishes Ryu’s health.

Celerity by NanoIsEpic
Armlet of Celerity:
-Decreases the time needed to charge his Ultimate Techniques.

Not Nice by NanoIsEpic
-Needs spirit points for some of his weapons.
-Cannot spam his ninpo.
-Inconsistent durability.
-Healing takes time for him.

Kat Shift DEATH BATTLE’s Gravity


Kat Bio by NanoIsEpic

Real Name: Alua.
Also known as: Kitten (JP), Gravity Queen, Dark Cat, Sea Cat, Gravity Kitten.
Age: 17.
Height: 5’3″ (160 cm).
Weight: Unknown.
Occupation: Maid formerly, Spy formerly, Snakerabbits’ leader, Jellyfish soldier formerly.
First Appearance: Gravity Rush (2012).



-Rescued Eugie from a Gravity Storm while Dusty defeated it.
-Saved Syd and singlehandedly defeated a group of thugs.
-Defeated an army of Nevis after they knocked out a bunch of Police Officers.
-Defeated the Taion Nevi and brought back the missing part of Auldnoir.
-Saved Echo and defeated a Nevi that was possessing her.
-Rescued a few police officers that were trapped above a tower.
-Defeated Alias and ended his evil schemes.
-Defeated the Lagan Nevi and brought back the final missing part of Endestria.
 -Defeated it again after it returned and its Nevi invasion, with the Jellyfish Special Forces’ help.
-Won the Great Snake Race and the Rabbit Run against Kish.
-Defeated all the Nevis and saved the children on Boutoume.
-With Raven’s help, defeated Nushi.
-Defeated Nushi and helped Raven with helping the children before the black hole devours Boutoume.
-Helped evacuate some stranded civilians and stopped a Nevi invasion.
-Saved a pilot’s life, took out fires that were damaging the city and the Jellyfish’s battleship and stopped another Nevi outbreak.
-Defeated Yunica, second of command of the Jellyfish Special Forces.
-With Raven and Yunica’s support, defeated Sea Anemone.
-Saved Syd and Cecie from a gravity storm after Dusty returned.
-Brought all the ducks back to their home.
-Surveyed a lot of gravity ores.
-Won against Fi in a game of B’oarack.
-Defeated Night Gale, a mind-controlled Raven.
-Alongside Raven, defeated the Bismalia army and its secret weapon, Eliminator.
-With Raven’s help, freed the hostages and defeated the Council’s army and 2 Eliminators.
-Alongside Raven, defeated the Lost City’s gravity engine.
-After returning to Hekseville, stopped a Nevi outbreak with the help from Kali Angel.
-Defeated Delta 1 and 2, who were Yunica and Permet
-With Raven, defeated Kali Angel.
-After being knocked unconscious for a while, defeated The Other, an alternative version of both Kat and Raven
-With Raven, Yunica and Permet fought against Durga and Kali and soon defeated them.
-Made it to Eto, which was at the top of the World Pillar and regained the memories she lost.
-With Cyanea bestowing her a new ability, defeated Elektricitie, who was stated to have unlimited power.
-After a long battle, struggling. Defeated the Destructive Force, became a singularity and seal it within the black hole.
 -She came back a year later (or an hour since Pillar Tree has a time dilation).
-Appeared in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, in which she defeated Emmett Graves from Starhawk and Polygon Man and later gained the Polygon Man’s power. (Non-Canon)


Kat Strength by NanoIsEpic
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse Level (Has defeated Raven, who has harmed Gade, one of the creators of the Gravity Rush worlds and has described the dimension where Hekseville is in as a universe. Gravity Rush universes also have seperate time-space continuum.)
-Kicked a steel door off its hinges.
-Used her weight to break out a cage.
-Strong enough to push a Batouyue Nevi with a kick.
-Comparable to Raven, who can lift a falling bus.
 -Raven has harmed Gade, who has created some of the universes in Gravity Rush.
 -Raven defeated Lumino and Tenebria, who can hold the threads that supported their dimension with their presences.
-Comparable to Yunica, who can hold the Sea Anemone.
-Strong enough to produce shockwaves.
-Broke out an army of Nevis piling on top of her.
-Used a ball of debris on her feet while footdiving to the ground, creating a large crater.
-Can shatter a boulder with a single kick.
-Can shatter rocks that normal drills struggle to break.
-With Raven, can knock down the Eliminator.
-Can shatter a prison bar.
-Can shatter a concrete wall.
-Her gravity ability can lift elephants up.

Kat Speed by NanoIsEpic
Speed: Immeasurable (Comparable to Raven, who escaped a universe’s space-time collapse.)
-Can break the sound barrier in shifter mode.
-Outpaced Kish’s modified boat.
-When first activating her Gravity Panther form, escaped a black hole’s pull.
-Outpaced Nushi, which can escape a black hole’s pull and can keep up with the Ark.
-Comparable to Raven, who can escape the destruction of Illumina’s time-space, a dimension created by Lumino and Tenebria’s presences.
 -Raven has also dodged Lumino’s laser beam.
-Can outrun a flying motorcycle.
-Can dodge machine gunfire.
-Manage to escaped a rift plane’s destruction.
-Can move in a dimension outside of time.
-Fast enough to slide on a floor of glasses before they break.

Kat Durabilty by NanoIsEpic
Durability: Low Multiverse Level (Took hits from Raven and the Destructive Force.)
-Can consistently fall from a high height and be perfectly fine.
-Can survive standing on hot lava.
-Survived a self-destructed explosion.
-Can survive taking hit from Nevis that can support the Lost City’s arms.
-Survived a Grigo self-destructed explosion.
-Crashed on top of an ice cream house.
-Took hits from the Destructive Force, who’s stronger than even Bit.

Powers & Abilities:

Fighting by NanoIsEpic

Combat Prowess:
-Relies on using legs for kicking.
 -Sometimes punches her opponents.
-Sidekick with decent range, launching her opponents.
-Can perform a backflip kick, sending her opponent sky-high.
-Also forms a quick front flip, slamming her legs down towards the ground.


Stealth Expert:
-Infiltrated a high-level security to swap a fake Sacred Gem with the real one.
-Good at following people while not getting detected by them.
-Sneaked through Boutoume while trying to find Dusty without getting spotted.
-Infiltrated Fort Bismalia and took pictures with her camera.
-Can sneak past enemy guards.

Skilled Strategist:
-With Raven’s help, baited Nushi so Raven can hit it with her trap.

Highly Resourceful:
-Used Syd’s wine to find her invisible enemies.

Expert Singer:
-Is great at singing.

Dusty by NanoIsEpic
-Kat’s guardian that allows her to go into Shifter Mode in the first place.
-With him by her side, she can change to her Shifter Form and gains the ability to walk on walls, fly and grab objects telekinetically.
-Can teleport Kat to keep her safe.
-Kat can use Dusty’s powers to tear a hole in space-time.
-After the entire universe of Heksevile’s time froze, Dusty was unaffected by it.

Gravity Kick by NanoIsEpic
Gravity Kick:
-Kat’s standard aerial technique.
-While floating via shifting gravity, can launch her towards the opponent and knock them out with a kick.

Gravity Slide by NanoIsEpic
Gravity Slide:
-Can manipulate gravity to slide on the floor.
-Can be used when she’s on the wall.

Stasis Field by NanoIsEpic
Stasis Field:
-Creates a field that attracts the objects that are close to her.
-Can hold up to six objects.
-Can deflect physical and energy-based attacks with it.
-Can perform Piercing Throws, in which Kat throws an object at an enemy to another.
-Can pick up water and form it into a ball.

Gravity Grab by NanoIsEpic
Gravity Grab:
-Launches herself upwards and grabs the opponent and then kicks the opponent to the ground.

Gravity Attract by NanoIsEpic
Gravity Attract:
-Summons a vortex that pulls opponents towards her.

Spiral Kick by NanoIsEpic
Spiral Heel:
-Spins around mid-air with her heel held out.

Gravity Repel by NanoIsEpic
Gravity Repel:
-Creates a powerful force that pushes enemies away from her.

Hacha! by NanoIsEpic
Hip Attack:
-While not an actual attack, can use her rear end to harm her foes.
-Peach called, she wants Peach Bomber back.

Spiraling Claw by NanoIsEpic
Spiraling Claw:
-By pressing her wrists together and spinning around, it allows Kat to home into the opponent.
-Nearby items get pulled into the vortex and are used against the enemy.

Gravity Typhoon by NanoIsEpic
Gravity Typhoon:
-Can summon rock-like spikes and telekinetically thrown at the enemies, following them.

Micro Black Hole by NanoIsEpic
Micro Black Hole:
-Summons a black hole that “remove enemies from the realm of existence.”
-Larger foes can resist it but can still be harmed.

Lunar Style by NanoIsEpic
Lunar Style:
-Donning it will make Kat lighter, making her movement and her attacks agile.
-Slows down Gravity Slide.
-Can perfectly stand on fragile surfaces.

Spring Jump by NanoIsEpic
Spring Jump:
-Allows Kat to leap off to the sky into the air.

Horizontal Rocket Jump by NanoIsEpic
Horizontal Rocket Jump:
-Can leap off a far distance.

Wormhole Kick by NanoIsEpic
Wormhole Kick:
-Allows Kat warp next to a nearby opponent.

Vortex Field by NanoIsEpic
Vortex Field:
-Objects are pulled into a vortex and when it’s thrown can immobilize the enemy for enough time for Kat to attack.
-Can deflect physical and energy-based attacks with it.

Gale Zone by NanoIsEpic
Gale Zone:
-An upgraded version of Gravity Typhoon.
-Creates a whirlwind that harms her opponents, blocks attacks and gives her temporal invulnerability.

Jupiter Style by NanoIsEpic
Jupiter Style:
-Wearing them can make Kat feel heavy and sluggish
-Makes Gravity Slide faster.
-Can block projectiles with it.

Surge Kick by NanoIsEpic
Surge Kick:
-While floating in the air, charges up and launches herself a powerful kick that can produce a powerful shockwave.
-Enemies cannot interrupt while she is charging.

Debris Ball by NanoIsEpic
Debris Ball:
-Gathers objects into a giant ball that can stagger bigger foes.
-Can deflect physical and energy-based attacks with it.

Ultra Black Hole by NanoIsEpic
Ultra Black Hole:
-An improved version of Micro Black Hole.
-Surround herself with a black hole that grows larger.
-Recovers health based on the number of enemies being absorbed.

Gravity Crush by NanoIsEpic
Gravity Crush:
-A move where Dusty morphs into a pair of black claws for Kat.
-Has been used multiple times as a finishing move.

Mind Eye by NanoIsEpic
Mind’s Eye:
-An ability that was bestowed from Cyanea.
-With this ability, Kat can see objects that have been there, but not visible to the human eye.
-Can see through the enemy’s invisible weak points with it.
-Found the door where the Ark’s room was at, which would be impossible to find as a normal person.
-Has been upgraded for Kat to find the real opponent if they have any illusion or duplicates that only affects the actual enemy.

Gravity Manipulation Resistance:
-Although she has been affected before, can resist getting close to Raven’s shifter form, which can shift people and objects’ gravity by being close to the shifter.
-Can resist a black hole’s pull in her Gravity Panther form.

Existence Erasure Resistance:
-Can resist the effects of her own Micro Black Holes, which was stated to “remove enemies from the realm of existence.”

Time Manipulation Immunity:
-Was capable of moving in a dimension outside of time.
-Despite this though, she has been shown to be affected by time stops before.

Transmutation Resistance:
-Resisted the effects of Mutated Kali’s ability in converting everything she touches into energy.

Ability Negation Resistences by NanoIsEpic
Power Negation and Stat Reduction Resistance:
-After her powers were negated, which caused Dusty to disappear. She got all her abilities, physicality, health and Dusty back.

Singularity by NanoIsEpicSingularity:
-Can turn herself into a singularity and seal her opponent into a black hole.
-After using it, she returns back Heksevile in one year.
 -Though due to falling below the World Pillar, she likely recovered in about an hour.
-Use it against the Destructive Force, who is described as “Darkness, Void, Fear, Despair, The End.”


Talisman by NanoIsEpic
-Special items that are from either mining, completing missions, defeating certain enemies or forged by another talisman.
-Possesses new abilities for Kat such as:
 –Auto-Healer: Regenerates Kat’s health.
 –Drain: Heals Kat by killing an enemy.
 –Pain Inducer: Further gives Kat more damage to her enemies.
 –Almighty: Improves her defence and offence.
 –Spider Web: Extends the reach for projectile objects grabbed in Stasis Field.
 –Rage: Makes Gravity Panther last much longer than before and it’s easier to use.
 –Antidote: Resists poison damage.
 –Sacrifice: Uses up full SP gauge up when health is gone to bring Kat alive.
 –Power Extender: Ultra Black Hole’s area of effect becomes larger and special moves last longer.
 –Recovery: Health will be recovered when collecting precious gems.
 Accelerator: Speeds up Gravity Slide.


Gravity Panther by NanoIsEpic

Gravity Panther:
-A fusion between Kat and Dusty.
-Can be accessed with Kat’s anger.
 -Can also be accessed with a rage talisman.
-Can morph into a panther while running.
-Gains two pair of claws.
-Gains teleportation.
-Slowly heals her during this form.
-Can grow into a large panther.

Gravity Gryps by NanoIsEpic
Gravity Gryps:
-A fusion between Kat, Dusty and Raven’s Guardian, Xii.
-More powerful than Gravity Panther and Gravity Phoenix combined.
-Summons an army of panthers and phoenixes.
 -When they charge into the opponent, the enemy starts to dissolve into oblivion.


Sad by NanoIsEpic
-Needs to stay close to Dusty, in order to access her gravity abilities.
-Vulnerable to mind and memory manipulation.
 -She lost her memories from the start of the series.
-If Dusty starts eating anything poisonous, Kat’s flight ability will run on a short time limit.
-Will complain if she hasn’t eaten any food while fighting.
-Gravity Gryps is non-standard and outside help since it requires Raven’s guardian, Xii.
-It’s up to the writer if they want to include her moves from PSASBR since the game happened before Gravity Rush 2.