DEATH BATTLE! Prediction Blog: Sackboy vs Maxwell

Sackboy vs Maxwell

This prediction blog mostly doesn’t align with my current thoughts. If you want to know more details, check out my retrospective on this matchup.

Sackboy, the Knitted Knight of the Imagisphere from LittleBigPlanet. And Maxwell, the Scribblenaut of Earth i from Scribblenauts.

Creativity, an incredibly useful phenomenon that generates endless ideas and possibilities allowing everyone in the world to invent whatever they could think of with their minds. Ranging from technology, construction, toys and of course: fiction itself. Many talented artists have used their creative minds to make many movies, comics, anime or video games to entertain everyone in the world. But, what if you had video games related to the concept of creativity, allowing the world to use it to create anything they want? Well, these two have shown to wield it with their hands.

These two happy combatants from the gaming multiverse are known for their wide imagination, whether it be an already existing thing or even something subjective. But when bringing their imaginative mindset to the test, who will be topping this bizarre fight as being the most creative character in all of gaming, and who would win a DEATH BATTLE!




“On LittleBigPlanet, you’re a little Sackperson. This one is you. Aw, bless. You’re quite a cute one.”
– LittleBigPlanet Narrator

The Imagisphere, a place made of all the creative thoughts, hopes, and ideas from everyone’s creative minds altogether, including you and me, of course! Each person’s mind creates their own Earth to house all their ideas and share them with others by embodying a happy and cuddly adventuring entity imbued with the power of creation known as a Sackperson, most commonly known as Sackboy.

Sackboy is the hero of Craftworld and a Knitted Knight of the Imagisphere, usually happy and likes to play around with other Sackpeople. He defends his world from dangers like the interdimensional negative force, the Negativitron, or the god of the Uproar, Vex.

And when he’s not saving the day against evil, Sackboy usually goes with his friends and explores beyond the omniverse with even more adventures created by other Sackpeople, or even create his own levels for other Sackpeople to go in and have fun. So, have fun in the fantastic world of LittleBigPlanet! If you have the game, at least…



“That’s it! I’m gonna go out and do good things for all the people I can find! I’m gonna get all the Starites in the world and I’m gonna make you better, Lily.”

Within the world of Earth i, Edgar and Julie were known as the greatest adventurers, consistently the two would be competing against each other, adventure after adventure. In one of those adventures, Julie would beat Edgar on top of a far-lost pyramid, but the treasure she discovered was an engagement ring for Edgar.

The two decided to semi-retire in adventuring just so they can have a family together. And they have been “doing” it till they had 42 children in total, one of which would be Maxwell Unusual (yes, that is his last name). Maxwell is like every other ordinary boy; he loves to play with other kids, read comics and sometimes gets himself into trouble. One day, his parents would give him an artifact they find in their adventures: a notebook. But not just an ordinary one, it is a magical notebook that allows him to make anything he wants.

At one point, Edgar and Julie didn’t like how he had become lazy and spoiled with his artifact, so they sent him and his sister, Lily, to go outside into the world. Maxwell and Lily ran into a hungry old man, in which Maxwell gave him a rotten apple for an awful prank. Enraged by eating the apple, the old man cursed Lily, slowly turning her into a statue.

Maxwell went up to one of his brothers, Edwin, and explained the unfortunate event. After being told off by Edwin, his brother explained about the Starites and how enough would remove the curse for good. And throughout his adventures, Maxwell sought to do the right thing: Help out others who are in need of support.





Every Sackperson’s home is where they relax, while also being used as a gateway to other Craftworlds and summoning other Sackpeople to them. The computer that allows Sackboy to travel tends to have a different appearance depending on what console you’re playing on, ranging from a PS3 controller to a PS Vita with a special window called the Control Window, which gives a Sackperson his own time and space elevator that acts the same as other Pods computers, or a PS4 controller. Sackboy can come back to the Pod when all his lives for a checkpoint are gone and killing himself within the Pod still brings him back here.



Remember the Green Door from Marvel Comics with the Hulk? It’s like that, but there’s more of them. These allow Sackboy or another Sackperson to come back alive and have been used to travel to many different worlds. If all his lives are gone, Sackboy can always return to his Pod. He can also regain his lives by collecting them back and a new checkpoint can heal damage dealt at Sackboy. Both Vex and N.A.O.M.I. were aware of Sackboy’s checkpoints bringing him back to life. There are only three different variations of these.

    • Normal Checkpoint: Holds up in a total of four lives.
    • Double Checkpoint: Holds double the previous amount of lives in total.
    • Infinite Checkpoint: Holds an infinite amount of lives and can always come back unless the checkpoint is destroyed.

Dreamer Orbs

Dreamer Orbs

Because of his pure heart, Sackboy can collect Dreamer Orbs, spheres that are packed with pure creative energy straight from the Imagisphere. With the right amount of Dreamer Orbs, its smaller orbs merge into one and are capable of dispelling barriers made from the Uproar.



A standard jetpack that gives Sackboy the ability to fly when equipping it and can also increase its flying speed.



Sackboy’s first offensive far-ranged weapon that shoots out paint powerful enough to damage cannons, tanks and even Metal Gears.

Grappling Hook

Grappling Hook

Alternatively called the Clawstring, this power-up allows Sackboy to shoot a hook to grapple onto a hard-to-reach vine and swing to a different platform.



A pair of metallic gloves that allow him to lift up objects heavier or bigger than himself and can use to suplex his enemies.



A helmet that shoots out whatever objects like an attack, such as fire, plasma, bombs and missiles. There are many Creatinators that can shoot different things:

    • Cakinator: Launches a fairy cake that sticks onto a wall, if anyone walks or gets hit by the cake they’ll get themselves damaged.
    • Lightning: Shoots a flash of supercharged lightning of electrons.
    • Splashcannon: Shoots water out which is useful against fire and enemies made of fire.
    • Positivitron Beam: Fires out beams made of positive energy, very effective against beings made of negativity.
    • Odd Rocket: Fires a remote-controlled robot, when it gets closer to its opponent, it’ll explode.
    • Cloning Hat: Can shoot clones of Beaker from the Muppets. 
    • Meltinator/Heat Ray: Shoots a burst of heat that can go through gratings and melt the ice with ease.

Brain Crane

Brain Crane

In the LittleBigPlanet 2: Move Pack: Rise of the Cakeling DLC, Sackboy straps his head with a belt and using it can let him carry objects or people telekinetically with his mind.

Hero Cape

Hero Cape

In the DC Comics DLC Level Pack of LittleBigPlanet 2, Sackboy gets a power-up cape that glides to faraway areas and avoids danger.

Bounce Pad

Bounce Pad

A common gameplay feature that flings Sackboy in the air and can be tweaked to send him low or high. In PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sackboy has used it as a weapon, launching foes away and reflecting projectiles.



As the name implies, it is a robotic rabbit that relies on leaping through the air and specialises in stomping on top of enemies.



A house-trained robotic dog that simply walks and jump, while capable of unleashing sonic barks to push blocks and enemies.

Hamstertron 2000

Hamstertron 2000

A robotic oval hamster that rolls around and can attack by dashing into his foes.

Bee 2.0

Bee 2.0

A robotic bee that can fly anywhere and can fire H.O.N.E.Y. cannon blasts that are capable of destroying walls.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Interceptor

S.H.I.E.L.D. Interceptor

An interceptor from S.H.I.E.L.D. that was used against a Chitauri invasion. Armed to the teeth with primary guns to shoot enemies with the following being:

    • MKIII Gatling Gun: A high rate of bullets but with low accuracy.
    • S44 Wave Cannon: A short-range burst of energy that blows away foes easily.
    • VS20 Halberd: A high-speed plasma bolt.

It is also filled with many of Marvel’s superheroes’ powers Sackboy can use in a fight. Note, there are still 4 powers not here because I either couldn’t find what it does or find their official names in the game:

    • Repulsor Missiles: Based on the Invincible Iron Man, these two missiles home to their enemies and denote them.
    • Phoenix Barrier: A barrier made by the Phoenix Force that allows it to heal the interceptor by absorbing attacks.
    • Teleport: Self-Explanatory.
    • Adamantium Claws: Based on Wolverine, the interceptor can slash the enemies zigzagged.
    • Hulk Smash: Based on the Incredible Hulk’s Thunderclap, the interceptor can release a green defensive shockwave.
    • Webbing Ball: Based on the Spectacular Spider-Man’s webs, the interceptor drops a huge wrecking ball made of webs and can release the ball if Sackboy wants to.

Air Shooter

Air Shooter

In PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sackboy uses his Popit to summon a fan that pushes his enemies, speeds up his projectiles and blows back enemy projectiles.

Electric Panel

Electric Panel

In PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sackboy uses his Popit to place an electrified chip that electrocutes his enemies, though it can be destroyed.

Digital First Mate

Digital First Mate

Given by Captain Wiseduck, it is a device with a computer A.I. which can show the map and observe an area, hack into and bypass security doors, see invisible attacks, lasers and enemies and can open up spatial wormholes to travel through certain areas. Some wormholes can even send them into the Non-Imagisphere, basically the same as the Imagisphere, but made of anti-imagination that holds anyone in stasis. 

Justice League Communication Device

jl communication device

Given by Cyborg, it allows Sackboy to call the sackified Justice League to aid him in helping him against his foes, summoning heroes like Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash and Green Lantern.

Paper Arrow

Paper Arrow

When a Hoard failed to ram him over and got itself burnt alive, Sackboy took its kart for racing against other Hoards. There have been many customisable karts for him, but the Paper Arrow is his most recognizable and the main car. It has also been shown to jump on its own… somehow, he can still slap his foes to both sides and can change his kart’s suspensions to many different types:

    • Dragster: Replaces the back wheels with bigger wheels for drag racing.
    • Hover: Replaces the wheels with hover pads for the kart to float.
    • Low Rider: All wheels of Paper Arrow are small.
    • Tank: Replaces the wheels with a continuous track on both sides.
    • Monster Truck: Gets massive wheels to overpower his opponents.



A weapon from LittleBigPlanet Karting that gives Sackboy any item randomly, utilizing it as both an attack and a shield. They can be used for customized abilities but we’re listing down what the Weaponator has shown in the main story mode, which are:

    • Battle Red Seeker: Fires a red missile out, that homes on the opponent.
    • Blue Rocket: Rides a massive blue rocket.
    • Boxing Glove: Rides a giant red boxing glove rocketing through the area.
    • Fast Forward: Boosts Sackboy’s car faster than time and space.
    • Flash Bang: Launches a missile that stuns his enemies.
    • Leader Seeker: Fires a blue missile that electrocutes his foe.
    • Lightning Bolt: Fires a stream of electricity at a lightning pace.
    • Mine: Summons a mine behind him.
    • Red Seeker: Launches three red rockets.
    • Shockwave: Creates an electric barrier around him.
    • Straight Shot: Releases a green missile bouncing walls and will only explode if it hits its target.
    • Triple Mine: Fires three mines behind his back.



A handheld device shaped like a hairdryer that blows the air to reflect enemy projectiles and sucks in air to bring objects close to him.

Blink Ball

Blink Ball

A power-up that allows Sackboy to shoot a ball to the nearest teleport material and transport him to that area.

Hook Hat

Hook Hat

A helmet to ride on rails via a hook that pops up on the top of it. He can leap out of the rails to another.

Tea Tin

Tea Tin

A tea tin that contained the Titans within. It is mostly used to seal away enemies in the tin while keeping the lid closed, though it’s mostly used when the enemy is defeated.



A portal Sackboy can go through as long as they both have the same colour, he can place them anywhere with his Popit.



Introduced in LittleBigPlanet 3’s DLC: Back to the Future, it is a hovering device Sackboy rides on top and can traverse on rails with no problem and can skate on curves.



A bladed boomerang that can be thrown at a variety of targets and return back to Sackboy. It can cut through enemies and pillars of spikey flora, and teleport Sackboy if it hits a teleport material.

Plasma Pumps

Plasma Pumps

A pair of high velocity, instantly rechargeable gloves and boots that Sackboy hovers for a short time and can rapid-fire plasma and charge for a more powerful charged attack. It can destroy digital viruses with one shot.



An average umbrella that slows down Sackboy’s falls and gives him an extra jump when activating it.

Assistance Copter

Assistance Copter

By using a flare, Sackboy can summon a flying copter to pick him up and put him anywhere he wants.



Summons a fairy behind him in case he needs saving from dangerous hazards. Being killed would allow the fairy to bring him back and summon a rolling forcefield around him and can break enemies and spikes while protecting him from electrified floors.



A hang glider that Sackboy glides forward and holds a rocket that delays Sackboy and the Glider’s fall.



First made by Victoria von Bathysphere to fight for the Alliance against the Negativitron and his forces, Sackbots are wooden, robotic versions of Sackpeople that can be programmed by Sackboy to do whatever he commands. They can be equipped with power-ups as long as Sackboy grants them to the bots, can be either large or small and aid him against his opponents.

Sackboy can implant a controller on a Sackbot to obviously control it, like an armour suit to give him extra powers, cover them in either fire, plasma or electricity granting immunity to these hazards and can change them to either Oddsock, Toggle or Swoop.

Powerup Pedestal

Powerup Pedestal

A tool that gives Sackboy freedom to make whatever weapon he can imagine. Whether it be pre-existing weapons like the Master Sword and the Dragonslayer, or weapons that are completely original and unique. These range from guns, drills, balloons, and the list goes on and on. By far Sackboy’s most versatile weaponry.

Since the LittleBigPlanet Community’s levels are canon, any weaponry or machine Sackboy earned or made is within his Popit. But, there are too many to list to explain.




Maxwell’s main tool he uses when going on his adventures is to write down anything into existence. whether it be an object or a living being or even both at the same time, though this excludes copyrighted material that is not from DC, Mario and Zelda, and naughty words. The notebook contains infinite pages for Maxwell to write and is linked to him writing in the notebook.

Lily’s Globe

Lily's Globe

A magical globe that can teleport him into an area or even a different universe with a single page from his notebook added onto the object. Sometimes, depending on how many Starites he has, as the Globe runs on Starites, he can travel to universes far away from his universal location, even reaching to the Dream Realm. Speaking of which…



Magical objects that are born from peoples’ happiness. Enough Starites can remove curse effects that turn people into stone. He can convert energies into Starites and he can also be used as projectiles to attack his enemies.

Ranged Weapons


A collection of weapons where Maxwell can fight from afar, shooting his foes from distances away, ranging from guns, bows and arrows and launchers.

    • Pistol
    • Machine Gun
    • Shotgun
    • Chain Gun
    • Minigun
    • Bazooka
    • RPG
    • Knife Gun
    • Hand Cannon
    • Organ Gun
    • Ray Gun
    • Plasma Rifle
    • Gyrojet
    • Stun Gun
    • Stunner
    • Flare Gun
    • Rivet Gun
    • Barrel Launcher
    • Rail Gun
    • Proton Pack
    • Coil Gun
    • Flamethrower
    • Auto Shotgun
    • Nuclear Recoilless Rifle
    • Tranquillizer
    • Clone Gun
    • Sniper Rifle
    • Assault Rifle
    • Flintlock Pistol
    • Grenade Launcher
    • Nail Gun
    • SMG
    • Laser Sight
    • Blow Dart
    • Turret
    • Tommy Gun
    • Rifle
    • Freeze Ray
    • Grow Ray
    • Shrink Ray
    • Pea Shooter
    • Super Gun
    • Bow
    • Wizard Staff
    • Harpoon
    • Cannon
    • Freeze Revolver
    • Mind Control Device: Allows Maxwell to mind control his foe and become loyal to him.
    • Necronomicon: Shoots magic that transmutes his enemies into skeletons.
    • Wand: Can turn targets into frogs.
    • Spell Book: Turns anything into bunnies.

Melee Weapons


A collection of weapons used for hand-to-hand combat, relying on a direct approach like swords, axes, spears and many more.

    • Sword
    • Laser Sword
    • Bayonet
    • Kusarigama
    • Leiomano
    • Auger
    • Stake
    • Lance
    • Shears
    • Seax
    • Katar
    • Flaming Sword
    • Axe
    • Sickle
    • War Hammer
    • Nunchucks
    • Katana
    • Bokken
    • Kitchen Knife
    • Cattle Prod
    • Trident
    • Battle Axe
    • Deer Horn Knives
    • Baseball Bat
    • Brass Knuckles
    • Cleaver
    • Crowbar
    • Chainsaw
    • Cutlass
    • Halberd
    • Survival Knife
    • Mace
    • Machete
    • Nightstick
    • Pocket Knife
    • Rapier
    • Sai
    • Saw
    • Scythe
    • Truncheon
    • Vorpal Blade
    • Rainbow Laser Sword
    • Ultimate Weapon: One-shots the enemy with a single swing of the blade.



A collection of weapons that will explode upon his foes, Maxwell has many different types of explosives, like grenades or mines.

    • Bomb
    • Grenade
    • Dynamite
    • Concussion Grenade
    • Torpedo
    • Nuclear Bomb
    • Depth Charge
    • Exploding Barrel
    • Extrudable Explosive
    • EMP Grenade
    • EMP Bomb
    • Molotov Cocktail
    • C4
    • Small Rocket
    • Water Mine
    • Aerial Bomb
    • Napalm
    • Incendiary Grenade



A collection of vehicles and machinery useful for transportation and sometimes armed with weapons to the teeth, they’re usually cars, cycles or copters.

    • Car
    • Truck
    • Motorcycle
    • Teleporter
    • Tank
    • Whaler
    • Reentry Vehicle
    • Mech
    • Helicopter
    • Missile Carrier
    • Bendy Bus
    • Submarine
    • Anti Air Vehicle
    • After Burner
    • Smoke Generator Carrier
    • Artillery Tractor
    • Assault Vehicle
    • Fighter Plane
    • Combat Engineering Vehicle
    • Mine Clearing Vehicle
    • Battering Ram
    • Hover Tank
    • Gun Truck
    • Flying Wing
    • Aircraft Carrier
    • Armoured Personnel Carrier
    • Attack Helicopter
    • Battleship
    • Drone
    • Bomber Plane
    • Half Track
    • Iron Clad
    • Military Glider
    • Patrol Boat
    • Rocket Artillery
    • Stealth Aircraft
    • Neogaf
    • Time Machine

Other Tools/Objects

Other stuff

A list of objects that don’t fit within the previous categories mentioned above and give Maxwell unique features.

    • Jetpack
    • Firehose
    • Meteor
    • Planet
    • Star
    • Black Hole
    • Galaxy
    • Antimatter
    • Portal
    • Wings
    • Wall
    • Fan
    • Quicksand
    • Rainy Cloud
    • Volcano
    • Tsunami
    • Earthquake
    • Sun and moon
    • Armour
    • Forcefield: Repels projectiles and gives Maxwell the ability to fly.
    • X-Ray Goggles: Can see beings that are invisible to the human eye.
    • Tinfoil Hat: Allows it to block mind control for the wearer to resist.
    • Magic: Creates a ball of magic and turns the enemies into bunnies.
    • Acid: Can poison the enemy by spilling all over them.
    • Medusa Head: Turns targets into stone.
    • Super Mushrooms: Increases Maxwell’s size.
    • Tanuki Suit: By wearing it as a suit, he can fly anywhere with the tanuki’s tail.
    • Super Stars: Functions the same as its actual counterpart, making Maxwell temporarily invincible.
    • Hookshot: Based on a recurring item from the Legend of Zelda series, Maxwell can use it to reach faraway places and ignore the danger below.



A list of numerous creatures, beings or gods Maxwell can make to aid him or not. Maxwell is even capable of summoning characters from Nintendo and DC Comics, though not their canonical selves. Maxwell has been shown to summon more than just one character and can summon a team to aid him. 

    • God
    • Cthulhu
    • Chickens
    • Vultures
    • Dentist
    • Philosoraptor
    • Brainless Monkies
    • All-Star Squadron
    • Batman Inc
    • Birds of Prey
    • Blue Lantern Corps
    • Checkmate
    • Extreme Justice
    • Green Lantern Corps
    • Justice League
    • Justice League Dark
    • Justice League Europe
    • Justice League International
    • Justice Society
    • Legion of Super Pets
    • Marvel Family
    • Seven Soldiers of Victory
    • Seven Soldiers of Victory II
    • Teen Titans I
    • Teen Titans II
    • Teen Titans III
    • Teen Titans New 52
    • Young Justice
    • Anti-Monitor
    • Spectre
    • Darkseid
    • Zoo Crew
    • Bat-Cow
    • Robot Horse
    • Mega Winged Samurai and Huge Cyborg Oni
    • Mario
    • Link
    • Death: Instantly kills anything with a touch.
    • Edison: Instantly kills any living thing either by eating them or with its fireballs.
    • Witch: Uses her spells to turn almost anyone she meets into a frog and eats the frog. (Maxwell is immune to this)
    • Slime: Immune to every kind of damage except fire and explosives.
    • Vampire: Immune to almost every kind of damage, and turns everyone they meet (Minus Maxwell) into a ghoul or another vampire, they are weak towards the Sun, stakes, garlic, mirrors, crosses and vampire hunters.
    • A priest with a cross: Invulnerable to anything excluding instant kills.
    • Ghost: Invincible, unless the other enemy is also invincible.

DC Suits

DC Suits

A list of suits based on DC’s popular superheroes and villains as most of the time showing different abilities.

    • Animal Man: Flight, increased melee damage, slightly improved health and increased speed.
    • Aquaman: Causes nearby fishes to protect him, swim faster and confuses foes via telepathy. Wields the Trident that deals water and lightning damage.
    • Atrocitus: Flight, shoots red beams and constructs weapons.
    • Azrael Batman: Increases melee attacks and uses a close-range flamethrower.
    • Azrael: Wields Sword of Sin and Sword of Salvation.
    • Aztek: Increases melee damage, health, and movement speed. Allows Maxwell to fly, and provides him with invisibility and yellow plasma beam attacks.
    • Bane: Grants super strength, body slam attack and increases melee damage and slightly increases health.
    • Blue Beetle: Slightly increases Maxwell’s melee damage and allows him to fly and fire energy beams.
    • Blue Lantern: Grants a blue beam attack. It spawns a Green Lantern member to aid Maxwell during a fight. Increases health, improves movement speed and grants flight.
    • Booster Gold: Gives Maxwell a laser attack, the ability to fly, slightly increases his melee damage and health, and spawns Booster Gold’s sidekick Skeets to accompany him.
    • Bushmaster: Slightly increases melee damage, health and movement speed, allows Maxwell to fly, and gives him a poisonous gun attack.
    • Clayface: It allows the user to grow when hitting the target. Additional powers include greater attack strength and slightly boosted health.
    • Cyborg: Increases movement speed, health, and melee damage. Gives Maxwell multiple laser attacks.
    • Darkstar Exomantle: Increases melee damage, health and movement speed. Allows Maxwell to fly, and gives him orange beam attacks.
    • Doctor Fate: Gives Maxwell a variety of energy-based attacks, increases his health and allows him to fly.
    • Flash: Gives Maxwell incredible speed and increased melee damage.
    • Green Arrow: Slightly increases melee damage and equips Maxwell with Green Arrow’s bow which never breaks.
    • Green Lantern: Gives him flight, constructs weapons and shoots green beams.
    • Harley Quinn: Automatically gives Maxwell a mallet for melee combat, a gun for ranged combat, and provides resistance to poisons.
    • Hawkman: Slightly increases health and movement speed, allows Maxwell to fly, and equips him with Hawkman’s Nth Metal Mace and Nth Metal Wings.
    • Ion: Enables Maxwell to slow down enemies that come near him, heal his nearby allies, fire a green beam attack, deal increased melee damage, and fly.
    • Joker: Gives Maxwell a chattering teeth attack to use at long range and a laughing gas attack that causes people to fall over laughing temporarily. Summon chattering teeth that might burst into harmless confetti, or might unleash a lethal explosion.
    • Martian Manhunter: Gives Maxwell an eye beam attack, occasional invisibility and the ability to fly and temporarily paralyse enemies. It also increases his melee damage and health.
    • Mr Freeze: Increases health and melee damage. Makes Maxwell resistant to freezing and provides him with Mr Freeze’s Gun.
    • Nightwing: Equips Maxwell with a Tonfa for close combat and Batarangs for ranged combat.
    • Orange Lantern: Empowers Maxwell with an orange beam attack, and when he defeats enemies it will raise orange avatars of them to fight for him. It also allows him to fly and provides a small increase in melee damage and health. The avatars will have the ability to fly and if defeated by an enemy they also will become an avatar.
    • Parallax: Empowers Maxwell to scare those near him temporarily, gives him a draining attack that heals him, increases his melee damage and allows him to fly.
    • Penguin: Gives access to an umbrella gun and spawns a penguin to protect Maxwell.
    • Plastic Man: Increases melee damage, and health. Makes Maxwell a bit stretchy.
    • Poison Ivy: Spawns a Carnivorous Plant to fight for Maxwell and other plants to protect him. It also slightly increases his melee damage and health and causes his melee attacks to sometimes poison the enemy.
    • Red Hood: Slightly increases melee damage and health, and gives Maxwell a knife for close combat and a gun for ranged combat.
    • Riddler: Gives Maxwell the ability to throw explosive puzzle pieces.
    • Robin: Slightly increases melee damage and equips Maxwell with Batarangs for ranged combat.
    • Shining Knight: Greatly increases health, equips Maxwell with Shining Knight’s Sword and summons Shining Knight’s Pegasus to protect him.
    • Sinestro: Empowers Maxwell with a yellow beam attack and yellow construct weapons. It also allows him to fly and provides a small increase in melee damage, health and movement speed.
    • Starro: Gives Maxwell a small health bonus, the ability to fly, and multiple beam attacks. It also spawns a Starro minion to fight for him.
    • Swamp Thing: Greatly increases health and melee damage, and causes nearby plants to protect Maxwell.
    • Two-Face: Equipping will ensure that Maxwell always has a machine gun at his disposal.





Yes, the very force that created Sackboy, his friends and his world. The Imagisphere is a metaphysical ever-expanding wide omniverse that is made by the creative thoughts and ideas from the minds of every single creaturefrom the atomic to the galactic – within another omniverse, including you

Ideas and imagination are made of pure energy, and energy never dies as it has held countless Craftworlds, moons and infinite space. In other words, Sackboy’s entire existence is conceptual in nature and when dying without the Pod or any Checkpoints, Sackboy can be sent back to the Imagisphere and come back from his death.

Not only does it require destroying the Imagisphere to kill Sackboy for good, but also destroying its opposite, the Uproar as it is stated by Vex upon his defeat, “As long as there are dreams (Imagisphere), there will be nightmares (Uproar).” Or you could find the person Sackboy is based on, that works too.

Creative Intelligence

Creative Intelligence

Sackboy is considered to be the most creative thing in the omniverse, which perfectly fits considering that he is the literal embodiment of a person’s imagination. Not only can he easily make advanced technologies like time machines and alter the Sackbots’ system, but he should also be comparable, if not, above other Creators Curators like Newton and N.A.O.M.I., the former capable of making a Dimensional Doorway and the latter being a supercomputer of an entire interstellar civilization who made time travel to… toilets and virtual reality suites.

Sackboy is also smart enough to learn new skills quickly as Creator Curator, Grandmaster Sensei taught him many martial arts and learnt to pilot Avalon’s weapons to the point of passing Avalon’s Advanced Armaments Academy with an A (for Avalon). Sackboy has beaten N.A.O.M.I. despite being a supercomputer and having to deploy her Anti-Sackboy Measures.



The source of Sackboy or any of Sackperson’s problem-solving, an important tool that helps him change costumes, leave stickers anywhere or concentrate hard enough to pop into nothingness and come back to the checkpoint he previously reached.

And that’s just scratching the surface of what the Popit can do, when charged with an astounding amount of creative energy, it makes Sackboy god-like and gives him the ability to make whatever he wishes. With the Popit Cursor, which allows him to carry objects or a person, either by changing the sizes, duplicating, turning them invisible and deleting them or detaching objects pieces.

Has shown many abilities, like covering an object in electricity, fire, gas or plasma, altering an area’s lighting and colour, making it dark, and adding a large amount of fog. Can alter entire environments into a different area with no problem, can make terrains out of the ground, change day times into night times or vice-versa, and even raise the water’s level or drain it. Goodies Bag gives him a wide collection of objects and materials he has collected to use to make anything he wants.

With the Tools Bag, contains many connectors and logics like the Character Teleporter, which allows either just him or others to its destination, Physics Tweaker can change an object or person’s physical properties, like its weight, making it non-physical or unseeable, Anti-Gravity Tweaker can control the gravity of an object, Material Tweaker can make materials bounce, nigh-indestructible, frictionless, sticky or climbable. 

Kill Tweaker allows Sackboy to instantly kill his opponent, Destroyer gadget allows Sackboy to either have his opponent turn into confetti, dissolve, shrink so small they die, explode, fade from existence, turn into goo or be vaporized, the Controlinator lets him control objects and machinery, can use Capture Object to copy an already existing object and can make objects non-physical. 

The Touch

The Touch

Learned from the Carnivalia, it is the secret trick that helps Sackboy pick up platforms without the need to physically carry them or push platforms to the right place. It also allows Sackboy to use his sheer willpower to construct solid constructions with a Green Lantern ring.

Costume Dash

Costume Dash

Sackboy’s level 1 super move from PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, he activates his Popit and changes his appearance to three PlayStation characters and knocks out his enemy. One as Nathan Drake from Uncharted swinging with a rope while kicking, another as Cole MacGrath from inFAMOUS leaping and using his Amp, and finally, as PaRappa the Rapper jumping upward while riding on his skateboard.

Although different, this happens again with Sackboy: A Big Adventure with its emotes. From Jin Sakai’s katana to Aloy’s bow to shoot an explosive arrow and finally Kratos’ Leviathan Axe.

Bad Guy BBQ

Bad Guy BBQ

Sackboy’s level 2 super move from PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, by using his Popit, he brings out flaming coals and drops them on top of his foes.

Prize Bubble Roundup

Prize Bubble Roundup

Sackboy’s level 3 super move from PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sackboy activates his Popit to turn his opponents into bubbles that allow him to pop them. This also gives him bubbles that drop items.

Boxing Glove Sticker Surprise

Boxing Glove Sticker Surprise

In PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sackboy grabs the opponent and activates his Popit just to summon a boxing glove sticker, leaping over as the fist hits the enemy.

Anvil Sticker Surprise

Anvil Sticker Surprise

In PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sackboy grabs the opponent and activates his Popit so he summons a giant anvil sticker to crash on top of the foes.

Spiderweb Sticker Surprise

Spiderweb Sticker Surprise

In PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Sackboy grabs the opponent and throws the enemy up just for the Popit to create a spiderweb sticker to trap them.

Missile Jammer

Missile Jammer

Allows Sackboy to passively deactivate missiles and make them explode before they have launched.

Hover Mode

Hover Mode

Allows Sackboy to fly freely wherever he wants to go and can go through material and walls in this state.

Time Manipulation and Immunity to it

Time Manipulation

Can control and manipulate time by pausing, rewinding or fast-forwarding it. Not only that, but he can even resist time being manipulated with every Sackperson resisting each other’s ability to stop time and being comparable to the Mystic, who predates time.

Cosmic Sense

Cosmic Sense

Can observe the Trash Monster and its planet far away in the Imagisphere and should be comparable to one of the Knitted Knights’ members, Scarlet, who sensed danger in the Imagisphere.



Sackboy can go inside or outside of worlds that are within TVs and computers in one of the trailers. Should be noted while it may come from a trailer, it is stated that even trailers themselves are canon to LittleBigPlanet.


Sackboy Summoning

Sackboy is stated to be capable of summoning others to help him and fight the enemies according to his mentor, Scarlet. His summons all share the Popit’s creative powers and can manipulate time. Though it is debatable if this counts as outside help.

Knitted Knights

Knitted Knight

An ancient team of knights that protect a Craftworld from a different world and share the same purpose of fighting against Vex and the Uproar much like Sackboy’s Craftworld and Sackboy himself and they all share the same abilities and weaponry as he does.



One of Bunkum’s heroes, a quadruped sock that runs faster than Sackboy and allows Sackboy to ride on top of Oddsock. With its power-up, the Springinator, the power-up can be attached to its behind and bounce.



Another hero of Bunkum. They can turn into either a big strongman who exceeds in strength and can use their weight to crush or a smaller version of themself that can go through small gaps or walk on water.



The third and last hero of Bunkum, it is an avian sack that relies on its wings to fly or glide and can pick up objects from people with its talons.

Techniques and Other Abilities

Techniques and Other Abilities

Sackboy along with many other Creator Curators and Sackpeople share the same unique physiology that gives him other abilities and techniques.




Introduced from Super Scribblenauts, Maxwell can add to any effect on anyone, even himself. Gives him, enemies or an object either a positive, neutral or negative effect. There are countless adjectives, so instead, we’re listing down the more useful ones:

    • Invisibility: Self-Explanatory.
    • Colossal: Self-Explanatory.
    • Microscopic: Self-Explanatory.
    • Pristine: Brings back the object to its original condition.
    • Loyal: Mind controls his foes and becomes his ally.
    • Sonic: Runs at the speed of sound.
    • Dead: Instantly kills the enemy.
    • Gone: Erases the target’s existence.
    • Cloned: Duplicates the object or person.
    • Living: Brings the object to life.
    • Immobile: Negates the target’s motion.
    • Emotional: An adjective that makes the target feel different emotions.
    • Metal: Turns the target into metal and makes them slow and heavier.
    • Magnetic: Pulls metal objects towards the target.
    • Hypnotized: Makes the target hypnotized.
    • Obese: An adjective that makes the target wider and bigger.
    • Magical: Grants the user magical abilities to transmute enemies into objects.
    • Radioactive: An adjective that makes an object radioactive and causes other people to be harmed.
    • Incorporeal: Makes him non-corporeal.
    • Diseased: An adjective that makes the target feel sick and lie down.
    • Poisoned: Poisons the enemy, though they can be cured.
    • Sleepy: Puts the target to sleep.
    • Omnipotent: Grants him invulnerability and flight.
    • Immortal: Gives him immortality that can only be bypassed if he is erased.
    • Regenerative: Gives him regeneration that slowly heals him.
    • Fire-Breathing: Grants the user to breathe out a fiery blast.
    • Frost-Breathing: Grants the user to breathe a freeze blast.
    • Telekinetic: Grants the person telekinesis.
    • Digital: Turns the target into binary codes.
    • Interactive: Allows Maxwell to interact with incorporeal beings or objects.
    • Petrified: Turns the target into stone.

Object Editor


(Cthulhu becomes a Twitter user)

Also called Hero Creator, allows Maxwell to add modifications to objects using other object pieces, colouring and repainting with textures. He can program the being with reactions and actions along with altering the size of the object, how it behaves, how heavy it is, if it’s alive or not, or how much health it has.

Possible Acausality


When Maxwell travelled through time, Maxwell met another version from a different time period. Though, they haven’t really interacted as the other Maxwell went to his own time machine.



By writing down “everything” in his notebook and being powered by a universe-sized Starites or explosion, Maxwell can use his notebook to reboot an entire multiverse at an atomic level and can revive deceased people back to life or bring anyone back from being erased from existence.

Hope and Determination

Hope and Determination

Maxwell’s strongest “suit.” By becoming the ideas of Batman’s determination and Superman’s hope they both represent, he can fly, shoot heat vision from his eyes and throw Batarangs far away. Despite nothing showing it in this form, he should be capable of breathing out an icy blast to freeze enemies and can disarm opponents wielding guns, increases his melee damage, slightly increases health, improves his movement speed and provides a smoke bomb effect that confuses enemies. 

This form helped Maxwell stare down DC’s ultimate final boss, the Anti-Monitor, who used the energies of the DC multiverse.




Sackboy overall

  • Embodies the player’s hopes and dreams and is their true and pure self.
  • Learned the basics of LittleBigPlanet from the King and Queen of the Garden.
  • Sent by Savannah’s Creator Curator, Zola and discovered that the crocs were scaring the buffalos.
  • Helped the Meerkat Mum in finding one of her sons, Stripy Tail.
  • Outran Frida’s Skulldozer and made her reunited with Don Lu.
  • Freed Uncle Jalapeño from his imprisonment by donating it with a bomb.
  • Defeated Sheriff Zapata, Jalapeño’s nemesis.
  • Defeated Mag’s longtime enemy, Ze Dude and his Bouncers as Ze Dude gives Sackboy a private jet to go to Grandmaster Sensei.
  • Defeated the evil Sumo that hijacked Grandmaster Sensei’s castle.
  • With help from Flame-Throwing Cat, defeated The Terrible Oni.
  • Infiltrated the Collector’s war factory.
  • Freed every Creator Curator from their prisons made by the Collector.
  • Defeated the Collector and his machines but made him become friends with the Creator Curators.
  • Took down Metal Gear REX and Liquid Ocelot’s level-making machine.
  • Defeated the East India Trading Company’s armada and Davy Jones’s Kraken.
  • Stopped Marvel villain’s machine cannon that was going to destroy all the moons in the LittleBigPlanet Community.
  • Found the Mystic, the first Creator Curator who is the keeper of the very first LittleBigPlanet idea.
  • Became a movie star celebrity.
  • Invited all the Creator Curators of the PSP version of LittleBigPlanet and solved their problems.
  • Passed Larry Da Vinci’s test and became a member of the Alliance.
  • Destroyed the Brainwave Machine corrupted by the Negativitron, Kling Klong.
  • Saved and built a Sackbot army for fighting against the Negativitron and ran away from the corrupt Copernicus.
  • Defeated the Meanie Attack Robot to defend Huge Spaceship but failed in protecting it.
  • When shrunken into a microscope size, defeated the Infection within Dr Herbert Higginbotham.
  • Destroyed the Negativitron and its heart and prevented it from destroying the Alliance and Craftworld.
  • Stopped the evil Dr Porkchop, although this was mostly a playtime thing.
  • Defeated the Cakeling and saved Victoria and the Sackbots from a village.
  • Defeated Warden Crumb and his Mech and retrieved the treasure for the Space Pirates to have, in exchange, they remade his spaceship.
  • Saved the Justice League and defeated Lex Luthor and his Mecha-Lex and imprisoned him along with other DC villains, twice.
  • Became one of the members of the Justice League and can call in the Justice League by using a communication device made by Cyborg.
  • Completed his training with Colonel Flounder and defeated his creation, the La Marionetta.
  • Destroyed the Hollow’s Driller Thriller.
  • Found and defeated MegaBrain, who after its defeat, gave Sackboy where the Puppeteer.
  • Collected all the parts for the Unbelievable Otis’ cannon.
  • Stopped the Hollows, found the real Puppeteer and restored joy in saving Craftworld.
  • Stopped the Firepede from burning the forest in Eve’s Asylum.
  • Defeated the Trash Monster and made the Hoard allies.
  • Defeated Nana Pud’s Heartless Tin Man, only to realise that Newton was using Sackboy to release the three Titans.
  • Found Oddsock, Toggle and Swoop and grouped them back together.
  • With the help of Oddsock, Toggle and Swoop, saved Bunkum and defeated the Three Titans.
  • Defeated The Banana Bandit and Vexed Mamapede when visiting the Colossal Canopy.
  • Defeated the Ruffled Ruffian in the Kingdom of Crablantis.
  • Defeated the Electric Whirlwolf and Vexed N.A.O.M.I in the Interstellar Junction, restoring the real N.A.O.M.I back to normal from Vex’s virus.
  • Stopped and defeated Vex multiple times, even when he was amped by the Topsy Turver and saved the Imagisphere.
  • Stopped the remnants of Vex’s Uproar from corrupting the Wonderplane.
  • Explored millions of adventures and races since the community’s levels are canon to the game itself.
    • Quick Note: While the levels are indeed stated to be canon, I highly advise anyone not to featsearch the community’s levels.


Game Ending Humpty Dumpty


Run Sackboy Run

  • Outran the Skulldozer.
  • Outpaced a fiery ball.
  • Can sprint across wooden planks.
  • Dodge a sword swing from Terrible Oni.
  • Dodged a giant icicle.
  • Dodged missiles.
  • Reacted to signs trying to hit him.
  • Evaded meteor pulls from Magneto.
  • Dodged marshmallows made of plasma.
  • Fast enough to outpace the Copernicus.
  • Jumped over a fire blast.
  • Dodged lasers from the Negativitron.
  • Fast enough to defend himself before a rocket ever got the chance of killing him.
  • Ran around Craftworld.
  • Outran the Negativitron, who was able to keep up with Huge Spaceship, which was travelling across the Cosmos.
  • Can perceive anyone using the Fast Forward item and can steer perfectly while using it, which hurls karts through time and space.


planet go boom



maxwell overall

  • Throughout the entire series, helped out everyone on Earth i in order to gain some Starites.
  • Stopped and defeated his Doppelganger by sending out his Starites.
  • Saved his sister, Lily from being turned into stone.
  • Helped Superman defeat Lex Luthor with Kryptonian Physiology.
  • With Batman’s aid, defeated Ra’s Al Ghul and his assassins.
  • Brought both Superman back and sent Zodd back to the Phantom Zone.
  • Helped Cyborg defeat Amazo by summoning more people.
  • Helped Barry Allen win against Professor Zoom in a charity race.
  • Aided Aquaman in stopping Ocean Master from drilling into the Earth’s core.
  • Helped Wonder Woman in defeating Cheetah being changed into different creatures by Doppelganger.
  • Helped the Justice League beat the DC Villains. 
  • Defeated Brainiac and other versions of himself from alternative universes by summoning different versions of the members of the Justice League.
  • Defeated the Anti-Monitor and recreated the DC Multiverse.
  • Immune to being turned into bunnies, frogs or skeletons.







Quick Note… again: One of Maxwel’s popular feats has him survive the DC multiverse being erased in A Crisis of Imagination, but this feat is dubious as after he “tanked” it, the Anti-Monitor – who caused the erasure in the first place – stated the erasure passed over Maxwell and his allies because they weren’t part of the DC universe.



Sackboy weakness

Sackboy has shown his fair share of weaknesses, while he is definitely capable of making anything, it mostly takes time to fully complete his creations. He can be fooled by enemies smarter than him such as Vex despite his outstanding intelligence. And while his immortality is impressive, if both the Imagisphere and Uproar are destroyed at the same time, or worse, if the person Sackboy is based on dies Sackboy can be killed for good.

But on top of that, he has his own issues with his personality as he is technically a pacifist since Sackpeople are considered to be the gentlest creatures and prefer making friends rather than enemies, though this doesn’t stop him from defeating enemies or outright killing them as shown in his fight against the Negativitron.


Maxwell weakness

Despite his creative genius, he is still a kid who is still a bit inexperienced in terms of fighting and is vulnerable to having his life energy absorbed. And much like his opponent, it takes time to write down what he wants to summon into the world, but if he isn’t careful, his notebook can be snatched away from his hands and can be destroyed by enemies faster than himself, leaving him just an ordinary kid.



Sackboy summary

(“Do not take lightly your hopes, your ideas, your fantasies. Let them grow. Nurture them. Then your wildest imaginings will soon trip the dream fantastic, soaring into the Wonderplane and spreading into something altogether… magnificent. And perhaps you’ll see them again the next time you visit LittleBigPlanet.”)
– LittleBigPlanet Narrator


    • Superior to base Maxwell.
    • Comparable in strength and durability with Maxwell’s Hope and Determination and faster than him as well.
    • More intelligent and imaginative.
    • More experienced thanks to exploring through millions of adventures.
    • Resistances, immortality and time manipulation can counter Maxwell’s adjective abilities, with the latter preventing him from making anything.
    • Can bypass Maxwell’s immortality adjective by deleting his existence.


    • Less weaponry.
    • Maxwell’s adjectives like Immortal, Cloned, Living and Immobile are helpful against him.
    • Maxwell could remove the Imagisphere by writing “Everything.”


Maxwell summary

(“From then on, we try to use our powers to help those who didn’t have them. It was a lot of fun. So kids, remember that always treat others as you would like to be treated. Not everyone has a brother with a magical notebook that can save them. I’m glad I have one, though.”)
–  Lily


    • Perfectly even in strength and durability with Hope and Determination.
    • Way more weaponry.
    • Adjectives can help him make a clone of himself, bring back deceased allies, make Sackboy immobile and make himself immortal.
    • Immune to being turned into confetti or a prize bubble.
    • Writing down “Everything” could potentially wipe the Imagisphere out.


    • Outclassed in stats without his Hope and Determination.
    • Way slower even in his H&D form.
    • Less intelligent and imaginative.
    • Sackboy’s resistances, immortality and time manipulation make him hard to kill and can prevent Maxwell from summoning anything with the latter.
    • Sackboy can bypass his immortality adjective by deleting his existence.


DB Combatants Set Sackboy vs Maxwell

This match is something I have become cool with, despite its connections just being “Late 2000s video game characters that are very creative and crossover to other series lol” due to having infinite creative potential for animation. But, going into the fight’s verdict. For starters, we got to go into their very creative arsenals and powers first… which both have quite a very long list… literally.

To start with how each of their abilities compares in a fight, sometimes Sackboy and Maxwell have very similar abilities such as reality warping, transmutation, emotion manipulation, dimensional travel, teleportation, life manipulation, death manipulation, existence erasure, duplication, telekinesis, size manipulation, invisibility, forcefield creation, mind manipulation, flight and some more to point.

Resistances are simple to explain and I will go into the ones that are relevant to their abilities: Maxwell wearing a tinfoil hat can help him resist mind manipulation and he’s immune to being turned into frogs so Sackboy is incapable of turning him into either bubbles or confetti. Sackers’ resistance against the Uproar helps him resist Maxwell’s fear, madness, mind manipulation and reality warping, he resisted Vex’s transmutation which makes Maxwell turn Sackboy into a skeleton null, plus the fact that he can fight against anyone whatever emotion he’s feeling and how he resisted his joy being extracted would not affect him against Maxwell changing his emotions.

So, other than what I have mentioned before, they either don’t have much resistance or resistances that aren’t going to be useful so it will be more focused on abilities. Besides sharing similar abilities, like summoning an entire army, even capable of summoning their own version of the Justice League, produce a variety of weapons, suits that give them unique powers and many vehicles to ride on to fight each other. 

Maxwell’s main bread and butter are his adjective abilities, they’re capable of affecting his creation, his opponent or even himself. With these abilities, he can stop Sackboy immobile, be invulnerable to most attacks, clone himself, interact with incorporeal beings and become immortal to the point death can’t kill him. And if one deadly adjective applies to Sackboy like instant death or erasing him, he’s as good as dead-

Immortal Sackboy

Oh right, Sackboy’s immortality is kinda a big game changer, his checkpoints can help him come back to the battle no matter how much he dies, even if the checkpoint runs out of lives he’ll return to his Pod, and kill him in the Pod isn’t going to remove him too. Hell, even destroying every checkpoint and Pods ain’t gonna be enough cause the Imagisphere brings him back to life. So, even Maxwell’s adjective haxes are not going to be enough to put him down.

This leads Maxwell to only have two options to kill Sackboy for good: Either destroy the Imagisphere and the Uproar or find the person Sackboy is based on and kill them, the latter being both impossible and really hilarious to imagine cause it’s literally going to be the same energy as this clip.

So, his more realistic option to win is nuking the Imagisphere, and a good thing he has something to bring it down: Writing down “everything” in his notebook. The Imagisphere is as big as a multiverse and Maxwell has used this move to reboot a multiverse before, and he sure as hell doesn’t need to worry about the Uproar because there is no separate multiverse based on that. (As of writing this lol) Plus, he doesn’t need to use any of the Starites because the Imagisphere is made of pure energy, something he can use to remove the Imagisphere.

Besides the whole immortality bullshit going on for the Knitted Knight, Sackboy’s Missile Jammer is going to be helpful against any missile Maxwell throws at him, the Digital First Mate can help him detect Maxwell’s invisibility, Auto-Shield shields him from any attack, he can reflect projectiles back at Maxwell with the Pumpinator, can do the funny time manipulating ability that can prevent Maxwell from making anything or adding adjectives like immobile to distract him, delete Maxwell to bypass his adjective immortality or make himself a Sackbot power suit or make new weapons to fight.

…And that’s about it, told you there was a lot to cover.

With both having methods to counter each other and ways to kill them for good, let’s now focus on their skill, experience and intelligence. This is where things start becoming a bit easier to pinpoint, because of Maxwell’s experience in helping people over fighting compared to Sackboy’s many trainings in each LBP’s instalments, added to the fact that levels made by the LBP community are canon, shows a big gap of experiences between the two. Sackboy should even be smarter than the Scribblenaut, don’t get me wrong; Maxwell is a smart cookie and can make himself a genius and all that, but Maxwell’s way of making stuff looks more akin to him drawing or writing down the object, compare to Sackboy and how he’s considered to be the smartest in the Imagisphere compare to Newton (Who made the Dimensional Doorway despite being a fucking drop-out from an academy) and N.A.O.M.I.

But, none of that is important when the fight truly boils down to the real meat and potatoes: Stats. Sackboy originally was mostly put at planet level for a long time, but after researching his series, multiversal+ seems to hold up perfectly well thanks to Vex, Negativitron and the Hoard threatening the Imagisphere, an omniverse made by another omniverse’s minds. (Omniverse has been used to alternatively be called as a multiverse) His speed should be immeasurable (Or alternatively supraconceptual) by downscaling to the Fast Forward Weaponator as he is capable of steering his kart in that state, a power-up that speeds Sackboy’s kart through time and space. Even lowballing his speed, he would be Infinite since both the “planets” and the Imagisphere are infinite in size and feats like Sackboy running around Craftworld and even outpacing the Negativitron, who travels across the Imagisphere helps the case.

Maxwell is normally somewhere in the universal and is comparable to Larfleeze flying from the Vega System to Oa, which is definitely massively faster than light. With the Hope and Determination form, on the other hand, Maxwell is definitely on a multiversal+ level, fighting on par with the Anti-Monitor, who converted infinite universes into energy that he later absorbed. Though, unfortunately, he only upscales to the Larfleeze’s feat as there are no feats for this form. With the stats shown, while he would be as comparable to Sackboy in destructive capacity, Sackboy still infinitely outspeeds him. 

So… uh, yeah, this paints a very clear picture, Sackboy is pretty much stronger and tougher than Maxwell himself and as strong and tough as Maxwell’s Hope and Determination but outspeeds him with ease, plus being a much better fighter and has way more experiences. And while Maxwell does have a method of winning against Sackboy, it’ll be too late to realise Sackboy’s immortality because of his speed and time hax, and that’s without mentioning the fact Sackboy can just remove the notebook. So yeah, Sackboy should comfortably take this-

“But, Nano. Doesn’t Maxwell scale to DC’s cosmology, which is very high outerversal/extradimensional and doesn’t he scale to DC’s immeasurable feats”


Knew I would have to explain this so here we are.

To answer that question: No, there is no burden of proof the Scribblenauts version of DC characters – or hell, Mario and Zelda characters – are the same as their canonical counterparts. Like yeah, A Crisis of Imagination references DC events like Crisis on Infinite Earths, but so does every other external media for DC (I.E. Flashpoint, Death of Superman, etc.), would you say the animated movies are the same characters because the series references Flashpoint, cause I heavily don’t. And it doesn’t help how some of them don’t act in character in Scribblenauts, cause I don’t expect canon Brainiac to accept a karaoke contest unlike the one in Scribblenauts, or Bruce and Clark’s family fighting over who makes better cooking between Alfred and Martha, a bit ridiculous don’t you think. And this is without mentioning the fact the writer for Imagination in Crisis, Josh Elder, stated that the DC universe Maxwell interacted with was a separate continuity.

“With all those characters, do you have a rule book to follow? Is it OK to mix different Batmans, or do certain versions of the same character behave differently from one another?”

“I’m expected to follow the New 52 continuity (and character designs) as much as possible, but it’s not an absolute rule. The game created its own continuity, and that’s the only continuity I’m truly beholden to. The “Scribblenauts Unmasked” version of the DCU is designed to appeal to a broad, general audience. The Injustice game and prequel series did the same thing, we’re just skewing younger and zanier.”

Even then, if we were to give Maxwell DC cosmology scaling, then we have to give Sackboy the same leeway, and there’s better proof for the Imagisphere being powered not only by DC’s characters’ minds – as this is one of the only times you get to see the Presence being namedropped in any external media – but Marvel’s characters as well while being above both their cosmologies and others verses, completely removing Maxwell’s only way to bypass Sackboy’s immortality and making this fight a straight up stomp for the Knitted Knight.

I know seeing someone who’s known to be powerful in the debating community since 2014 losing is a big shock considering his wide arsenal, his adjectives and the whole DC shenanigans. But once you look deep enough for both sides, Sackboy’s limitless speed, creative mindset, more experiences and stubborn immortality was just too much for the poor Scribblenaut to handle. Looks like Maxwell’s hopes of winning were all sacked up, and dropped into a well, a bit of an unusual result.

Sackboy winner

The winner is Sackboy.

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