DEATH BATTLE: Wrapped in Black – Prelude

Shadow vs Raven by NanoIsEpic

Nano: For every story, there’s a hero aka the main protagonist. They travel through their journey to reach their grasp to the goal and stop the faces of evil.

Boomstick: But there will be a dark counterpart – who are big fans of red and black being mix together – that’ll rival against our heroes.


Shadow Intro by NanoIsEpic

Nano: Shadow the Hedgehog, the Ultimate Lifeform and Sonic’s rival.

Raven intro by NanoIsEpic

Epsilon: And Raven, the girl with a “bloody claw”.

Nano: I’m Nano, and those are Epsilon and Boomstick, and it’s our job to analyse their weapons, armour & skill to find out who would win… A DEATH BATTLE.

Shadow the Hedgehog
Shadow by NanoIsEpic
Also Known As: The Ultimate Lifeform, Black Blur, Faker, Ow the Edge 
Age: 18 (physically), 50+
Height: 3′ 3″
Weight: 77 lbs.
Affiliations: G.U.N
First Appearance: Sonic Adventure 2






-With the help of Super Sonic, defeated the Final Hazard and saved the planet
-Defeated Sonic in their first encounter
-Destroyed a number of Metarex fleet ships in a single blow
-Fought through legions of military soldiers.

-Held his own against Mephiles and his clones
-With the help of Super Sonic and Super Silver, defeated Solaris and saved all of reality
-Defeated Devil Doom
-Defeated Biolizard, a prototype Ultimate Lifeform much larger than Shadow himself
-With the help of Super Sonic, defeated the Finalhazard and saved the planet
 -Finalhazard is a modified version of Biolizard
-Wiped out the Black Arms

-One of G.U.N’s top agents


Shadow's strength feat by NanoIsEpic


-Able to flip buses, trucks and concrete walls
-Kicked Sonic so hard, he created a crater
-Without his Inhibitor Rings, kicked a Metrex ship
 -The size of the ship is as big as a battle station
-Destroyed a large ship with a Chaos Emerald
-Knocked away a head of the Final Nova’s first form
Resisted the Final Mova’s pull on him
 -Said Final Mova’s first form is a size of a skyscraper
-Without his rings, used Chaos Control to divert/direct a laser strong enough to destroy half of the eggdome

Shadow's speed feat by NanoIsEpic


-Can keep up with Sonic
 -Sonic can go through relativistic speed
-Grabbed Sonic and jumped high through the air
-Dodged laser from G.U.N robots with ease
-Dodged a barrage of bullets from Omega
-Evaded and deflected lasers from the Metrex ship
-Can run on water

Shadow's Durability feat by NanoIsEpic


-Was send flying towards a wall by Sonic
-Bullets were futile against Shadow
Smashed into a spire by Mephiles
-Send flying dozen of feet by Mephiles shockwaves 
-Withstand a fall from space to Earth
-Jumped off Angel Island and was alright when he landed

Powers & Abilities:

Shadow's Spin Dash by NanoIsEpic

Spin Dash:

-Forms into an oval buzzsaw going through impressive speed
-Strong enough to tear through metal

Homing Attack by NanoIsEpic

Homing Attack:

-Similar to Spin Dash, but performs it by homing his opponents in midair

Shadow Boost by NanoIsEpic

Shadow Boost:

-Propels his body at supersonic speed
 -Forms an orange barrier 

Light Speed Dash by NanoIsEpic

Light Speed Dash:

-Allows Shadow to travel through a trail of rings
-Can attack opponents at the speed of light
 -The speed of light is over 670,000,000 mph

Black Tornado by NanoIsEpic

Black Tornado:

-Performs a mini size black tornado
 -While using it, can disarm his opponents weapons from their hands or 
disorient them


Fire Somersault by NanoIsEpic

Fire Somersault:

-Forms a similar move like the Spin Dash, but with fire trailing him

Shadow hand to hand by NanoIsEpic

Hand to Hand Combat:

-Is surprisingly a good hand-to-hand combatant
-Has knowledge of martial arts
-Is able to hold his own against Sonic and Knuckles in combat

 Chaos Control by NanoIsEpic

Chaos Control:

-Shadow’s iconic ability
-Grants him the ability to teleport
-Can also slow down time
-Can stop time to a halt
-Has the ability to time travel
 -Though it only works with two people to perform it

Chaos Spear by NanoIsEpic

Chaos Spear:

-Forms spears made of Chaos energy out of thin air 
-Throws them at his target
-In the Archie Comics, he can also use it as a melee weapon

Chaos Blast by NanoIsEpic

Chaos Blast:

-Unleashes a massive explosion of red Chaos energy
-Usually, uses it when finishing his fights
-Can cancel it to form into an explosive punch
-Can also do the same, but only this time, forms beams in each different directions
-Use it to one shot Black Death
 and force Eclipse out of his transformation
-Unleash it by clashing against Enerjak

Chaos Lance by NanoIsEpic

Chaos Lance:

-A much stronger version of Chaos Spear

Chaos Boost by NanoIsEpic

Chaos Boost:

-Requires him to collect chaos drives
-Increases his chaos powers

Chaos Burst by NanoIsEpic

Chaos Burst:

-While in midair can teleport down towards the ground and create a mini version of chaos blast

Chaos Magic by NanoIsEpic

Chaos Magic:

-With a snap of his fingers, creates a purple temporal rift that damages his opponents

Roaming Chaos by NanoIsEpic

Roaming Chaos:

-Creates a ball of distorted space following him

Chaos Nightmare by NanoIsEpic

Chaos Nightmare:

-Shadow will use Chaos Control to distort space
 -His fist will form into explosive chaos orbs

Chaos Upper by NanoIsEpic

Chaos Upper:

-Thrusts his hand in front of his view, giving him to distort to create an energy sphere that blast opponents sky-high

Chaos Rift by NanoIsEpic

Chaos Rift:

-Summons a rift of time and space to banish his foes

Chaos Punishment by NanoIsEpic

Chaos Punishment:

-While wielding Arondight
-Can u
se Chaos Control to warp in front of the nearest enemy and strike them with a powerful slash, and then repeat through a series of teleportations
Uses Chaos Control to teleport in front of the enemy’s view and delivers a powerful, downward kick from midair; stunning it
-Can initiates Chaos Boost and teleport in far distances or performs high-dashes

Shadow Heal by NanoIsEpic

Shadow Heal:

-Grants Chaos Control to heal his wounds

Shadow Guard by NanoIsEpic

Shadow Guard:

-Forms a field of Chaos energy to protect him from any attacks


Hover Shoes by NanoIsEpic

Hover Shoes:

-Created by Gerald Robotnik
-Has been given shoes able to fly
-Can keep up with Sonic

Inhibitor Rings by NanoIsEpic

Inhibitor Rings:

-Shadow wears these rings around his wrists to control/restrain his access to chaos energy
-Grants Shadow a massive increase in power and durability but causes him to tire out after short periods of time

Flame Ring by NanoIsEpic

Flame Ring:

-A ring that gives Shadow ability of fire attacks
-Grants him the Fire Somersault

Pistol by NanoIsEpic


-Well… a normal pistol
-Gives the foe low damage

-Holds up to 10 ammo

Sub-Machine gun by NanoIsEpic

Sub-Machine Gun:

-An automatic gun that has a small size
-Should hold up to 20 ammo
-Does low damage

Grenade Launcher by NanoIsEpic

Grenade Launcher 

-Gives medium damage to his enemies
-Has 6 rounds

Laser Rifle by NanoIsEpic

Laser Gun:

-Fire laser beams
-Holds up to 20 ammo

Shadow Rifle by NanoIsEpic

Shadow Rifle:

-Shadow’s own gun
-Fires a bunch of lasers able to one shot everything
-Holds up to 20 rounds

Omochao Gun by NanoIsEpic

Omochao Gun:

-A gun that fires Omochaos
-Can bounce on enemies, objects and walls
-Holds 20 Omochaos

Satellite Gun by NanoIsEpic

Satellite Gun:

-Summons massive laser nukes to the ground
-Holds 10 giant lasers

Samurai Blade by NanoIsEpic
Samurai Blade:
-A samurai sword that cuts through almost anything
–Shadow vs Raiden when?


Arondight by NanoIsEpic


-Shadow (Or Sir Lancelot in this case) signature weapon
-Is confirmed to be a single-edged blade
–Said to never lose its cutting edge
-Increases speed after landing on his feet
the range of lunging attacks
-Improves reaction times after weapon clashes
-Collects energy for Soul Surge through attacking foes

Ddgraig Goch by NanoIsEpic

Ddgraig Goch:

Welsh “Red Dragon”
-Is also confirmed to be a single-edged blade
-Further improves running speed, starting acceleration and reaction time after attack clashes
-Collects energy for Soul Surge while running
-Increases attack range of effect
-Imbues Chaos Punishment Soul Surge with the ability to unleash Chaos Blast with his swings



Shield by NanoIsEpic


-Shadow can use common shields
-A single blow will be able to break the shield

Sir Lancelot Armour by NanoIsEpic

Sir Lancelot Armour:

-Can don the armour of Sir Lancelot
–Used it in Sonic and The Black Knight
-With it, was able to withstand hits from Sonic with 


Dark Rider by NanoIsEpic


-Has experience on motorcycles
-Can still wield guns while riding on it


Hero Shadow by NanoIsEpic

Hero Shadow:

-A form Shadow uses for justice
-This form uses positive chaos energy
-Can fly with incredible speed
–Can also slow down time for a short limit

Dark Shadow by NanoIsEpic

Dark Shadow:

-A form that gives him evil thoughts
-Form uses negative chaos energy
-Unleashes chaos blast for a time limit

Chaos Shadow by NanoIsEpic

Chaos Shadow:

-Shadow can access this form by taking off his Inhibitor Rings, which allows him to tap into the “unlimited” energy of Chaos
-Used this form to defeat Black Death
–Deflected all of Black Death’s attacks with sheer energy output
—Incinerated Black Death with a Chaos Blast
-Transforms Shadow into a dynamo of raw, uncontrollable power


Super Shadow by NanoIsEpic

Super Shadow:

-Shadow’s most powerful form
-Increases his power to 1000x in stats
-Gives him flight and nigh 


Super Shadow Strength Feat by NanoIsEpic


-Aided in stopping and teleporting the Space Colony ARK back into orbit
-Comparable to Super Sonic, who was implied to be capable of destroying the moon
-Lifted and teleported the Black Comet which was calced to weigh over 915,000,000 tons
-With the help of Super Sonic, destroyed the outer shell of Final Mova’s 2nd Form


Super Shadow Speed Feat by NanoIsEpic


-Can move at speeds faster than light
-Flew around the planet-sized second form of Final Mova (grant it, it’s not as big as our planet but still)
-Can keep up with Super Sonic

Super Shadow Durability Feat by NanoIsEpic


-Survived a fall from orbit
-Withstood a powerful gravitational field made by Final Mova’s 3rd form, which was considered to be similar to that of a black hole, and intended to destroy collected planet eggs with enough pressure to cause an explosion capable of destroying the universe 
-Was unharmed by the explosion of Final Mova’s 3rd form
-Survived intense gravity that destroyed dozens Metarex ships 
-He wouldn’t be able to perform his strength feats (like lifting Black Comet) without surviving the same amount of pressure being applied right back on him

Chaos Arrow by NanoIsEpic

Chaos Arrow:

-Fires a much weaker version of chaos spear
-Can charge it to make it stronger

Spear of Light by NanoIsEpic

Spear of Light:

-A more powerful version of chaos spear and even chaos lance
-Fires multiple of chaos lance against his foe
-Used it to fight against 

Shadow getting spooned by NanoIsEpic


-Arrogant and Cocky
-Most of his mental feats come from hive mind, not real mind hax making it debatable
 -Tends to underestimate his opponents
-Chaos Shadow can drain his power down
-Has a limit on Hero and Dark Shadow

-Shadow and Sir Lancelot are not really the same character, so…
-His Death Battle record

(“I’m Shadow the Hedgehog, and I made a promise that I intend to keep! with the power of these Emeralds, Black Doom and his army are finished! This is WHO I AM.”)

Raven from Gravity Rush by NanoIsEpic
Real Name: Sachya
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Age: Unknown 




-One Shotted a Nevi
-Won against Kat 

-Defeated Nushi, Anemone, etc
-Rescued a bunch of children from a black hole, which was getting bigger so it can devour them
-With Kat, Yunica and Permet fought against Durga and Kail and soon defeated them
-Comparable to Kat
 -Kat was able to stop a black hole that was going to engulf 
Hekseville, Jirga Para Lhao and the World Pillar




Raven strength feat by NanoIsEpic


Can destroy some of the armour of the Anemone 
-With Raven, can push the 
-Comparable to Kat, who knocked a steel door off of its hinges
-Comparable to Yuncia, who can pierce through the Anemone
-Has fought opponents larger than her

-Can destroy the arm of the Lost City
 -The Lost City is like the name itself implies, a city, but being possessed by a Nevi with three arms


Raven speed feat by NanoIsEpic


-Can break the sound barrier in her shifter mode
-Can dodge lightning
-Evade bullets
-Able to dodge laser beams

Raven durability by NanoIsEpic


-Survive falls that are very high with no scratch
-Tanked hits from Kat, Yunica, Anemone, The Darkness, Nushi, etc
-Possibly tanked attacks from the Lost City 

-Able to withstand a missile, lightning, etc
-Withstand a self-destruct explosion



Powers and Abilities:

408734-ggr by NanoIsEpic

Gravity Manipulation:

-Has the ability to manipulate gravity if she’s near Xii
 -Can fly and walk on walls


Blood Talon by NanoIsEpic

Blood Talon:

-Raven’s version of the Gravity Kick
-Twirls around and drills through her opponent

Blue Jay Power by NanoIsEpic

Blue Jay Power:

-Can summon blue energy orbs and fires them at her foe

Stasis Field by NanoIsEpic

Stasis Field:

-Can create a field around her to attract the objects around her, and throw it at her opponents

High-Pressure Power by NanoIsEpic

High Pressure Power:

-Distorts gravity in front of her, destroying enemy caught in the distortion

Object Summoning by NanoIsEpic

Object Summoning:

-Summons a portal, which fires any object

Big Ball of Death by NanoIsEpic

Big Ball of Death:

-Summons a big ball of energy and throws it at her foe


Phoenix Mode by NanoIsEpic

Phoenix Mode:

Her most powerful ability
-By combining Raven and Xii, they become the Phoenix Mode
-With this form, she can fly, use her claws for melee attack and can teleport.

Raven weaknesses by NanoIsEpic


-Stronger than Kat at the beginning, but now weaker than Kat
-In order to use her gravity abilities, she must stay next Xii
-If Xii eats something weird or poisonous, it’ll reduce Raven’s powers

(Bit: What would you sacrifice to save the children in the Ark?)
(Raven: Everything…)